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单词 vein
释义  Related topics: Biology, Medicine, Plants, Insects, Geology, Humanvein /veɪn/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable]HBM one of the tubes which carries blood to your heart from other parts of your body 静脉 → artery the pulmonary vein 肺静脉 She felt the blood racing through her veins as they kissed. 他们接吻时她觉得热血沸腾。 → deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins →4  See picture of 见图 HUMAN 1 →5 see picture at 见图 human12. HBP[countable]HBI one of the thin lines on a leaf or on an insect’s wing 〔植物的〕叶脉;〔昆虫的〕翅脉3. CF[countable] one of the thin lines on a piece of cheese or some types of stone 〔干酪、石头等的〕纹理,纹路4  [countable]HEG a thin layer of a valuable metal or mineral which is contained in rock 矿脉;岩脉;矿层vein of veins of gold 金矿脉5  in a ... vein WAY/MANNERin a particular style of speaking or writing about something 〔说话、写作〕以…的风格in the same vein/in a similar vein There was more humour, in much the same vein. 风格差不多,只是更幽默了。in a serious/light-hearted etc vein poems in a lighter vein 更为轻松的诗6  a vein of humour/malice etc LITTLE/NOT MUCHa small amount of humour etc 一丝幽默/恶意等 In voicing our fear of old age, Rivers has discovered a rich vein of comedy. 在表达我们对年老的恐惧时,里弗斯挖掘出了丰富的喜剧元素。 → deep vein thrombosis, varicose veinsExamples from the Corpusvein• a vein of gold• The upper leaf surface is smooth and grass-green; the lower surface is lighter, a yellow-green, with distinct veins.• He turns red and his veins clog up at one end.• The face was smooth, the yellow skin as translucent as waxed paper, the veins clearly visible.Origin vein (1200-1300) Old French veine, from Latin venavein nounChinese  to carries your of the one Corpus blood which tubes




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