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单词 shop-bought
释义  ˈshop-bought adjective British English  bought in a shop, rather than made at home 从商店买的 SYN American English store-bought OPP homemade Why buy shop-bought yoghurt when you can easily make your own? 自己做酸奶这么方便,为什么还要从商店买呢? Homemade marzipan has a better flavour than most shop-bought varieties. 自制的杏仁蛋白糖浆比大多数商店买来的品种味道更佳。Examples from the Corpusshop-bought• I make my own - at a fifth of the cost of the shop-bought article.• They would build you a made to measure rod for less than half the price of a shop-bought article.• She had made up her mind that her delayed birthday present to her daughter was to be a proper, shop-bought frock.• They can be shop-bought in leather, in ring form, or can be home-made.ˈshop-bought adjectiveChineseSyllable  than a bought Corpus in home at shop, rather made




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