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单词 shimmer
释义  shim·mer /ˈʃɪmə $ -ər/ verb [intransitive]  SHINEto shine with a soft light that looks as if it shakes slightly 发微光,闪闪发亮 The lake shimmered in the moonlight. 月色下,湖面波光粼粼。 —shimmer noun [singular, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusshimmer• When he moved, his silk green shirt shimmered.• He'd reached to click off the light, and the room shimmered again with the faintest light from the moon.• The August heat shimmered in silence.• Their happiness was palpable; like the pulsing shimmer of a hummingbird, it seemed to radiate the very air.• Never for one moment does this shimmering, simmering emotional desert storm of a film relax its grip on your senses.• A faint haze of heat-differential shimmered the lights of town but the thin mist meant visibility was quite good.• Rank on rank they stretched to the horizon, their reflections shimmering towards us on a blue mirror.• Heat shimmered up from the cars, and the sun glowed red over miles of tract houses.• Our brick courtyard shimmered with colors.Origin shimmer Old English scimerianshim·mer verbChineseSyllable  that with light Corpus a shine soft to




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