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单词 Emotion
1. Don't make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.
2. Love, hatred, and grief are emotion.
3. Emotion is the innate weakness of human.
4. Her voice shook with emotion.
5. His voice shook with emotion.
6. Her voice was full of emotion .
7. If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly. coz only she has is misfortune.
8. Don't hold your emotion in, cry if you want to.
9. Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn.
10. He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.
11. She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed out of her.
12. He was choking with emotion.
13. His face worked with emotion.
14. It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.
15. His voice broke with emotion.
16. She showed no emotion at the verdict.
17. He displayed no sign of emotion.
18. He felt no emotion as she left.
19. Jealousy is an ugly emotion.
20. His voice wavered with emotion.
21. He showed no visible sign of emotion.
22. Fear is a normal human emotion.
23. His voice was throbbing with emotion.
24. She spoke with deep emotion.
25. He spoke in a voice touched with emotion.
26. Her voice wobbled with emotion.
27. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
28. I'm just an ordinary person[],[Sentencedict] I have my little emotion.
29. Without you? Id be a soul without a purpose. Without you?Id be an emotion without a heart. Im a face,without expression, A heart with no beat. Without you by my side, Im just a flame without the heat. Elle Kimberly Schmick.
30. The same can not withstand the ravages of time, emotion, to the time it will cool.
1. Love, hatred, and grief are emotion.
2. Her voice shook with emotion.
3. His voice shook with emotion.
4. Her voice was full of emotion .
5. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
6. Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn.
7. He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.
8. Her voice was low and shaky with emotion.
31. Her voice was low and shaky with emotion.
32. His voice was thick with emotion.
33. Wave after wave of pent-up emotion poured out.
34. Years of pent-up emotion came out as he sobbed.
35. Her voice was choked with emotion.
36. The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion.
37. I was too choked with emotion to speak.
38. Her face betrayed no emotion at all.
39. The terms are descriptive of strong emotion.
40. She swallowed back a tide of emotion.
41. She answered in a voice filled with emotion.
42. Her voice was thick with emotion.
43. The day had been a rollercoaster ride of emotion.
44. Lewis refused to show any emotion.
45. Emotion made his voice uneven.
46. Don't allow yourself to be ruled by emotion.
47. He spoke of his dead wife with deep emotion.
48. The woman's face showed no emotion.
49. His voice suddenly thickened with emotion.
50. She realized she was shaking all over with emotion.
51. There wasn't a hint of emotion in his eyes.
52. She displayed no emotion on the witness stand.
52. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
53. Amanda's predominant emotion was that of confusion.
54. Fear is a powerful emotion.
55. A great surge of emotion swept through him.
56. 'Get out!' she shouted(), her mouth contorted by emotion.
57. His speech was charged with emotion.
58. His voice was utterly drained of emotion.
59. He sighed in a parody of deep emotion.
60. Her voice shook/trembled with emotion.
61. Mary was overcome with emotion.
62. She was choking with emotion.
63. He spoke without a trace of emotion.
64. He spoke in a voice charged with emotion.
65. Her voice trembled with emotion.
66. Her voice was filled with emotion.
67. She was overtaken by emotion and started to cry.
68. The victim described the enemy's bombardment in a voice shaking with emotion.
69. Kim received the news without showing any visible sign of emotion .
70. She could not cope with such public displays of emotion.
71. Overcome with/by emotion, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.
72. He rose, his face void of emotion as he walked towards the door.
73. She saw the emotion in her father's face and knew her words had struck home.
74. In a voice cracking with emotion, he announced the death of his father.
75. They were both caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.
76. One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.
77. The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought.
78. My mother was overcome with emotion and burst into tears.
79. They tend to regard the open expression of emotion as being soft and feminine.
80. She felt a sudden rush of emotion at the thought of seeing him again.
81. I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion.
82. The film has a surprising depth of emotion for a comedy.
83. Overcome with emotion[sentence dictionary], he pressed her hand and left her.
84. In a voice cracking with emotion, he told us of his son's death.
85. Her voice was breaking with emotion as she pleaded for her child's return.
86. Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason.
87. She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed from her.
88. We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
89. I felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed out of me.
90. My heart was thumping wildly but I didn't let my face show any emotion.
91. Being able to express emotion is a healthy safety valve for the relationship.
92. They were overflowing with emotion at the birth of their baby.
93. The British traditionally tend not to display much emotion in public.
94. Other groups such as the Church of God conduct their services with much more informality and a greater display of emotion.
95. Her voice cracked with emotion as she told the story.
96. She was known as a hard woman with no compassion, no emotion.
97. The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion.
98. She vowed to herself that she would not show any emotion.
99. She felt she was being dragged into a whirlpool of emotion.
100. Her voice breaking with emotion, she told him: 'It doesn't seem fair'.
101. Wordsworth defined poetry as strong emotion recollected in tranquillity.
102. Love Love is the most positive emotion of all.
103. The seven-man, five-woman panel showed no emotion.
104. Eddie rarely showed emotion, and she never cried.
105. Her voice was full of emotion as she spoke.
106. The watching Trees showed no emotion.
107. Powerful emotion eddied around us: grief, sadness, fear.
108. Laura's friend displayed little emotion in court.
109. A knowledge of the painful emotion engram; 6.
110. But she was almost choking with emotion.
111. It was a desperate moment, full of emotion, urgent.
112. Communication without emotion is almost impossible.
112. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
113. In that case, the manipulated emotion simply disappears.
114. She stared at him, overcome by emotion.
115. Nothing could he view without emotion.
116. Music is the shorthand of emotion. Leo Tolstoy 
117. Amazement was the strongest emotion in this disease.
118. There is too much sentiment and emotion about redundancy.
119. Jealousy is a very destructive emotion.
120. Sex is an emotion in motion. Mae West 
121. Her face expressed only one emotion well: wonderment.
122. Can't seem to take the emotion.
123. Jealousy is a primal emotion.
124. He tried to convey the power of the emotion which gripped a man at such a moment.
125. Recounting the matter in present time-without being returned-the patient is using all the intervening years as buffers against the painful emotion.
126. He stepped back from the microphone and lowered his gaze, lost in painful emotion.
127. As I look at her, I feel an emotion I never had before.
128. Your approach should be made directly, simply and without recriminations or emotion.
129. It is emotion which supplies what may be termed propulsive power to thought.
130. All art and all the finest achievements of mankind have sprung from emotion.
131. Isabel saw the powerful muscles of his shoulders flex beneath his tunic as he controlled whatever emotion was driving him.
132. This research is concerned with commonsense ideas about emotion and with the way people act upon information about their emotional state.
133. Strong words which no one would contradict with confidence, even if despair was regarded as an emotion which should never be admitted.
134. It is a face that masks emotion rather than displays it, a composed face, insular, a little haughty.
135. His voice was entirely without emotion and he looked almost dazed with fatigue.
136. She heard the indrawn breath hiss sharply through his teeth, and felt the wave of emotion that washed over him.
137. Both motivation and emotion will be analysed as processes concerned with the control of human action.
138. Instead, he had proved himself to be capable of great human emotion.
139. Hope is not an emotion; it's a way of thinking or a cognitive process. Brene Brown 
140. You are looking for a painful emotion engram, an instant of loss which will discharge.
141. Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions. Dr T.P.Chia 
142. His tongue slid against hers; she shuddered, not with anger nor with displeasure but with some dark,[] deep emotion.
143. Sometimes much painful emotion must be discharged in the later life areas before basic-basic dis-closes itself.
144. Physical pain in the contrasurvival chain can suppress painful emotion in the prosurvival chain.
145. She did need a shower to wash away the tension from a day that had been too full of emotion.
146. There was no time for emotion as the blood was swabbed away and she concentrated on the badly gashed cheekbone.
147. Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. Plato 
148. But so deep is the emotion associated with these symbols, even his voice was not enough to end the springbok fight.
149. In collaboration with Rosy Martin she staged possible family pictures in a dramatic performance of concealed relationships and submerged emotion.
150. Negative thinking is subtle and deceptive. It wears many faces and hides behind the mask of excuses. It is important to strip away the mask and discover the real, root emotion. Robert H. Schuller 
151. The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it. Nicholas Sparks 
152. To be without emotion is to be unfeeling, to have no contact with the human condition.
153. He was stripping her, forcing every secret emotion into the blaze of light.
154. He or she is doing a certain thing and we interpret it in a certain way which elicits a given emotion.
155. Indeed, the sea can be a dull subject when not seen as the setting for human activity and emotion.
156. I felt a new emotion in an arena once ruled by fear: trust.
157. Ludens had sounded so moved, so stirred by some emotion.
158. As the verdicts were read, Simpson showed no obvious emotion.
159. Love-passion-is an emotion that keeps all entrepreneurs going. Great determination only occurs when there is great passion.
160. In such a case, pain and emotion can eventually be contacted, after which therapy is more beneficial.
161. Tallis was raised up and five faces stared at her, some smiling, some too dead to show emotion.
162. In total,[] this Buber relationship is the adding of the ingredient of emotion into all human relationships.
163. Real love is a positive emotion and is truly unselfish.
164. Phil Gramm ended his presidential bid Wednesday in much the same way he campaigned: short on emotion and long on economics.
165. Barbara has always known what emotion it is appropriate for her to feel.
166. It was, she decided, much sweeter than love: a sensation for the connoisseur of emotion.
167. Whites, miles from any danger, panicked during the riots and don't want to experience that unpleasing emotion again.
168. use emotion for the many, and reserve reason for the few. Adolf Hitler 
169. And there is no doubt that some of these animals live lives of great awareness, and of emotion, too.
170. As soon as we fully experience an emotion, it changes.
171. It would relieve us of the burden of suppressed emotion.
172. He listens carefully and reasons politely, without emotion[/emotion.html], in evaluating objectively their argument.
173. Keaton and DiCaprio manage to bring several levels of emotion to their characters, but everyone else is a cardboard cutout.
174. Emotions didn't come as easy to this man who stirred so much emotion in other people.
175. The language of psychoanalysis does provide a means for communicating about conscious and unconscious emotion in such circumstances.
176. The spasm of hope and fear passed instantly, as cold logic replaced emotion.
177. They are caught in this place of denial and unrealized emotion and desire.
178. Sir Bryan received his clubs with the emotion of a lover reunited with his long-absent mistress.
179. Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It's the fear that we're not good enough. Brene Brown 
180. Envy was a civilised emotion, attendant upon some degree of security and the possession of things strictly unnecessary to survival.
181. Similarly, I can not be refuted if I claim to experience a religious emotion.
182. If Mr Punsalong hit me with all that emotion, I was definitely going to die and be dead.
183. Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear. Brian Tracy 
184. The emotion we encountered, among citizens at every level, from villagers to government officials, was fear.
185. Her recently acquired aspirates gave way completely under the stress of emotion.
186. Cataplexy is triggered by stress and strong emotion such as laughter, anger, or surprise.
187. No emotion showed on Dempster's impassive face, only a slight pallor in his normally ruddy complexion.
188. Yet we will show you in our next chapter how you can turn the powerful emotion of fear to your advantage.
189. The two women hugged each other and let the tears of emotion and release flood out without inhibition.
190. Her talk wasn't vague approbation or disapproval, some big show of emotion.
191. The sergeant glanced across at Blanche but her face betrayed no emotion at all.
192. Her handsome features betrayed no emotion as Julia stood aside to give her passage.
193. Or maybe you saw too much emotion around you and decided to avoid it to stay safe.
194. Environmentalists have ceased to feel any degree of confidence in talking about emotion.
195. In order to be successful on the field, everyone needs to generate positive energy and emotion.
196. Glynn was not by nature careless or casual; he must have been under strong emotion.
197. Was the child allowed to express a wide and deep range of emotion, or was the expression of particular feelings taboo?
198. Without showing any sign of emotion he stood for a while at the head of the bier.
199. Her heart beat - she didn't know with what strong emotion.
200. An individual in a certain state of mind could fix a powerful emotion to a place.
201. This was happening more and more, this inability to cope, this giving in to raw emotion whenever he was alone.
202. Yet he avoids shows of emotion and personal feeling because he believes they are destructive.
203. It was the first time that night Bob had displayed any real emotion.
204. When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic,[http:///emotion.html] but creatures of emotion. Dale Carnegie 
205. His instant emotion was the actor-manager's: theatrical cordite, writer fire.
206. Men are governed by lines of intellect - women: by curves of emotion. James Joyce 
207. Although this probably represented ten times what she would normally expect she displayed no emotion as she accepted it.
208. Miguel rolled a joint, but his stomach was churning, the air heavy with emotion.
209. This was his supreme moment; yet his delicate face and sombre eyes remained impassive, showed no vestige of emotion.
210. Clare suddenly noticed that Elinor's hands were gripping the bedclothes, betraying the emotion hidden by her quiet words.
211. It does not matter whether the engram occurred two hours or ten years ago, painful emotion can be reduced from it.
212. Jump cuts of memory without cause and effect, event and consequence, incident and emotion.
213. Conroy, 27, showed no emotion as he was led away.
214. Korczak Ziolkowski is not the only person ever to feel strong emotion at the thought of Crazy Horse.
215. There is developed a keen and sensitive collectivism of emotion, of thought, and of will-power.
216. They are more likely to be unable to register any emotion.
217. Morality and pacifist emotion were the driving forces behind much of the uninformed criticism of the Sandys Reformation.
218. It may be the feeling of an emotion never before experienced.
219. There was a barked shout. Without emotion the prisoners took their places in the appointed line.
220. Bhakti Yoga is the way of emotion and devotion and love and correspondence with the mystic way.
221. The third example of the painful emotion engram is the third type: loss of an ally by reversal.
221. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
222. It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal code of behaviour that men should show emotion.
223. The engram bank becomes severely distorted by painful emotion and the areas of painful emotion be-come severely distorted by physical pain elsewhere.
224. Though she doesn't register as a gifted actress, she communicates emotion with a shocking lack of guile.
225. For the most part, Alvin could not help but imbue the most abstract of movements with drama and emotion.
226. I looked into the mirror, my green eyes looking back out at me showing no emotion, no excitement at all.
227. Too much emotion has been bottled up for too long and in some firms the performance-reward link is seriously distorted.
228. Guilt is not a true emotion; it is a cover-up for other feelings which we feel we shouldn't have.
229. Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader. Joseph Joubert 
230. Is joy, in contrast to sorrow, a more individual, idiosyncratic emotion about which generalisation is inappropriate?
231. It was a grandiose spectacle, and one that stirred popular emotion.
232. Love isn't an emotion or an instinct - it's an art. Mae West 
233. Every trace of emotion seemed to have drained from his face.
234. Many horses may do one thing, but others will do something quite different to express the same emotion.
235. His voice quivered with emotion, he sniffed and wiped his eyes and took some time to recover.
236. Deep down we were full of emotion, but there was little sign of it as we settled down to our task.
237. Writers reached for a means suasion and began to use emotion to confirm beliefs.




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