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单词 shark
释义  Related topics: Fishshark /ʃɑːk $ ʃɑːrk/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  HBFa large sea fish with several rows of very sharp teeth that is considered to be dangerous to humans 鲨(鱼) Sharks were circling around our boat. 鲨鱼在我们的小船周围游弋。shark-infested waters (=waters where there are a lot of sharks) 大批鲨鱼出没的水域 →4  See picture of 见图 FOOD CHAIN →5 see picture at 见图 fish12  informalTRICK/DECEIVE someone who cheats other people out of money 诈骗(钱财)者pool/card shark (=someone who uses their skill at pool or cards to cheat other players out of money) 打落袋球/纸牌骗钱的人 → loan sharkExamples from the Corpusshark• Yes, beaming, grinning like a shark.• The skyline, from any part of this magical plateau, was toothed like the jaw of a shark.• The whales favour large prey, including squid, cod and sharks.• This time its offerings include a dead shark floating in a tank of formaldehyde.• It was only a small shark about three feet long so I ignored it and began the survey.• Unlike sharks, they don't waste energy preventing themselves from sinking.• The currents helped him, but those currents are filled with sharks.• You got your freezing water, your sharks and your hepatitis.pool/card shark• The titles are stacking up like the poker chips of a red-hot card shark.• Where were the saloons and the gunslingers and the professional card sharks?From Longman Business Dictionarysharkshark /ʃɑːkʃɑːrk/ noun [countable] informalFINANCE someone who cheats other people out of money, especially by giving bad financial adviceNever do business with these sharks. → loan sharkOrigin shark 1. (1400-1500) Origin unknown. 2. (1500-1600) Probably from German schurke “bad man”; influenced by → SHARK1shark nounChinese  large very fish rows Business several a Corpus of sea with




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