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单词 shaft
释义  Related topics: Industry, Tools, Motor vehicles, Engineering, Weaponsshaft1 /ʃɑːft $ ʃæft/ noun [countable]  1  passage 通道TBBTI a passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground, so that someone or something can get in or out 竖井mine/elevator/ventilation etc shaft a 300-foot elevator shaft 一个300英尺深的电梯井2. handle 柄TZ a long handle on a tool, spear etc 〔工具的〕长柄;矛杆3  of light 光束LIGHT a narrow beam of light 〔光的〕一道,一束shaft of light/sunlight 一束光线/一缕阳光4  engine part 引擎部件TTCTE a long thin piece of metal in an engine or machine, that turns and passes on power or movement to another part of the machine 〔机器的〕轴;传动轴 a drive shaft 驱动轴5. for a horse 马用的 [usually plural]TTB one of a pair of poles between which a horse is tied to pull a vehicle 〔马车的〕辕6. arrow 箭 literaryPMW an arrow 箭7. get the shaft informalUNFAIR to be treated very unfairly 受到亏待,遇到不公正对待Examples from the Corpusshaft• Inside, the tall nave is divided by piers with clustered shafts and foliated capitals.• New clubs with special shafts have now been bought in an effort to prevent fresh trouble with the right wrist.• But the shaft of light didn't waver.• As soon as we arrived after our long pull from the valley, she would arrange to have the horse taken out of the shafts.• Looking up, he found he was standing under a short vertical shaft, at the top of which was another trapdoor.shaft2 verb [transitive] informal  UNFAIRto treat someone very unfairly, especially by dishonestly getting money from them 不公正地对待〔尤指骗钱〕 I can’t believe you paid that much. You got shafted. 你怎么给了那么多钱,你上当了。→ See Verb tableOrigin shaft1 Old English sceaftshaft1 nounshaft2 verbChinese  through passage a Corpus goes which down




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