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单词 whiff
释义  Related topics: Odourswhiff /wɪf/ noun [countable]  1  COSMELLa very slight smell of something 一股淡淡的气味whiff of a whiff of tobacco 一股烟草味get/catch a whiff of something As she walked past, I caught a whiff of her perfume. 她走过时,我闻到一股淡淡的香水味。► see thesaurus at smell2  a whiff of danger/adventure/freedom etc LITTLE/NOT MUCHa slight sign that something dangerous, exciting etc might happen 危险/冒险/自由等的些微迹象 The whiff of danger filled her with excitement. 些许的危险让她感到很刺激。Examples from the Corpuswhiff• As I turned out the lights, I caught a whiff of the intense fragrance of hyacinths.• Snow was involved in a whiff of controversy about some experimental results obtained in the 1930s.• After a few minutes, they were ordered to pull their masks back and take a whiff.• A sniff of tea, a whiff of biscuits, and there would soon be a crowd.• They further confused the tone of a piece that had about it the whiff of 1970s radical agitprop.• Jaq smelled the whiff of genetic pollution.• The raindrops are of the big, splashy variety, complete with whiffs of wild winds and churned seas.whiff of• a whiff of smokeOrigin whiff (1500-1600) From the sound of a light movement of air carrying a smellwhiff nounChinese   Corpus very slight smell a of something




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