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单词 serve
释义 Word family  noun servant serve server service disservice the services serving servery servicing servility servitude adjective serviceable servile serving verb serve service  Related topics: Trade, Jail & punishment, Sportserve1 /sɜːv $ sɜːrv/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  1  food/drink 食物/饮料 [intransitive, transitive]GIVE to give someone food or drink, especially as part of a meal or in a restaurant, bar etc 提供,端上〔饭菜等〕;侍候〔某人进餐〕 The waiter was serving another table. 那名侍应生在接待另一桌客人。 Sprinkle with cheese and serve immediately. 撒上干酪立刻上桌。serve something with something Serve the soup with crusty bread. 用脆皮面包配这道汤。serve breakfast/lunch/dinner Breakfast is served until 9 am. 早餐供应到上午9点。serve something to somebody Meals can be served to you in your room. 饭菜可以送到你房间里。serve something hot/cold etc Teacakes should be served hot with butter. 茶点饼要趁热和黄油一起端上。2. serve two/three/four etc (people) ENOUGHif food serves two, three etc, there is enough for that number of people 〔食品〕足够两人/三人/四人等吃3  shop 商店 [intransitive, transitive]BBTSELL to help the customers in a shop, especially by bringing them the things that they want 接待(顾客)〔尤指为顾客取来所需之物〕,为(顾客)服务 There was only one girl serving customers. 只有一个女孩在接待顾客。4  be useful/helpful 有用/有帮助 [intransitive, transitive]USEFUL to be useful or helpful for a particular purpose or reason 适合作…用;对…有用serve as The sofa had to serve as a bed. 只好拿沙发当床用了。 The reforms served as a model for the rest of the Communist world. 这些改革成为其他共产主义国家的范例。 A large cardboard box will serve the purpose. 一个大纸板箱就解决问题了。 Her talent for organization should serve her well. 她的组织才能应该对她很有帮助。serve the needs/interests of somebody/something research projects that serve the needs of industry 对工业有用的研究项目5  do useful work 做有用的工作 [intransitive, transitive]SPEND TIME to spend a period of time doing useful work or official duties for an organization, country, important person etc 为…工作;供职;服役serve as Lord Herbert served as ambassador to France. 赫伯特勋爵任驻法国大使。serve in the army/air force/navy etc He returned to Greece to serve in the army. 他回到希腊服兵役。serve on Ann serves on various local committees. 安在当地的多个委员会里任职。 the women who served their country in the war 战争中为国效力的妇女们6  have an effect 产生效果 [intransitive] formalUSE something to have a particular effect or result 起作用,产生效果serve as Her death should serve as a warning to other young people. 她的死对于其他年轻人应该是个警戒。serve to do something A single example serves to illustrate what I mean. 只需一个例子便可说明我的意思。7  provide STH 供应某物 [transitive]PROVIDE to provide an area or a group of people with something that is necessary or useful 为…提供服务,满足…的需要 Paris is served by two airports. 巴黎有两个机场提供服务。n Grammar Serve is usually passive in this meaning.8  prison 监狱 [transitive]SCJPRISON to spend a particular period of time in prison 服刑,坐牢 He served an 18-month sentence for theft. 他因盗窃罪服刑18个月。 Did you know that Les is serving time (=is in prison)? 你知道莱斯在坐牢吗?9. sport 体育运动 [intransitive, transitive]DS to start playing in a game such as tennis or volleyball by throwing the ball up in the air and hitting it over the net 〔网球、排球等〕发(球),开(球)10  it serves somebody right spokenDESERVE used to say that you think someone deserves something unpleasant that happens to them, because they have been stupid or unkind 某人活该,某人罪有应得 ‘She kicked me!’ ‘It serves you right, teasing her like that.’ “她踢我!”“你活该,谁叫你这么取笑她。”11. serve an apprenticeship BECto learn a job or skill by working for a particular period of time for someone who has a lot of experience 当学徒12. serve a summons/writ etc SCLto officially send or give someone a written order to appear in a court of law 发传票/令状等〔传某人出庭〕13 serve something ↔ out phrasal verb a) SPEND TIMEto complete a particular period of time in prison or doing a job 服满刑期;干到期满 Dillon’s almost served out his sentence (=in prison). 狄龙快服完刑了。 The Senator’s illness means he may not serve out his term. 这位参议员的病意味着他有可能无法完成他的任期。b) British EnglishDFGIVE to put food onto plates 分发,分配〔食物到各人盘子里〕 Serve out the rice, will you? 你来给大家盛饭,好吗?14 serve something ↔ up phrasal verb DFGIVEto give food to someone as part of a meal 〔为某人〕端上,提供〔食物〕 What are you serving up tonight? 今天晚上你给大家吃什么? → if my memory serves me (right/well/correctly) at memory(1)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusserve• The airline now serves 37 cities.• Light refreshments will be served.• Keep warm until ready to serve.• Estrada was serving a customer when the fire started.• Smith has already served a ten-year sentence for armed robbery.• School board members serve a two-year term.• It is illegal to serve alcoholic drinks to anyone under 18.• The nine-member panel of bishops serving as judges is expected to rule any day on the Righter case.• Dinner will be served at 8.30.• Andrew, will you serve coffee to the visitors?• Holt is currently serving five years for child abduction.• Reagan was serving his second term as President at the time.• Place a brioche heart or circle on top of each one, sift over the icing sugar, if using, and serve immediately.• The chef serves important guests himself.• On the other, persons who serve prison sentences need to be able to get a job and participate in society.• He served the community for over thirty years as a head teacher.• Don't forget to serve the guests first.• The center was opened four months ago to serve the health needs of a low-income neighborhood.• The new bus route will serve the villages to the west of York.• So what is the management serving the young hipsters who crowd this bar even on a weeknight?• Both the brothers had criminal records and had served time for robbery.• She met Schmidt while serving time in prison for drug possession.• Fowler was released after serving two-thirds of his sentence.• Nevertheless, by posing questions rather than serving up morals, he's caught some flak from simple-minded gay critics.• As soon as they sat down they were served with steaming bowls of soup.• But David volunteered to serve with Total Tartary.• Please fill out this questionnaire so that we may better serve you.serve something with something• I'm planning to serve the chicken with a light cream sauce.serving customers• Lower earnings have, in turn, forced many stores to be less generous in serving customers.• She did nothing to help but constantly chivvied the girls and interfered when they were serving customers.• Rashid and Shahid cooked up the idea while serving customers at the Sitar in Northgate, Darlington.• The woman in the grey overall serving customers looked just like anyone else.• She could almost be happy when she was serving customers or, better still, changing the window display.• Although Alice was slower than others in serving customers, she was never late and seldom absent.serve as• The old hospital in London Road now serves as a hostel for the homeless.• They had no bathroom, so a hole in the ground served as a toilet.• Powell served as deputy national security adviser for Reagan.serve on• LaSuer has served on the city transit board for six years.serve as a warning• And its spectacular fall from grace should serve as a warning.• The tail is vibrated and shaken against rocks when the snake is irritated or alarmed and serves as a warning.• It should also serve as a warning against using the concept of social class in a crude explanatory manner.• His larger-than-life statue with its slightly oriental cast of features serves as a warning that you are approaching the junk food area.• The judge said the long sentence should serve as a warning to others tempted to join the illegal trade in exotic birds.served ... sentence• But his lifestyle has lead to court appearances on drug and driving offences and he's served two jail sentences.• By the time he was released he had already served half his sentence.• Yerkes had been an embezzler in the United States and had served a prison sentence.• Police have launched a nationwide hunt for Moore, who has served a jail sentence for armed robbery.• Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Dean and others served prison sentences for conspiracy and obstruction of justice.• Proscribed as a member of illegal organizations, she served two gaol sentences in Mountjoy and Cork.• He had already served a prison sentence in New Zealand.• They were convicted in 1976 and served sentences ranging from four to 14 years with one dying in prison.Related topics: Sportserve2 noun [countable]  1.DSthe action in a game such as tennis or volleyball when you throw the ball in the air and hit it over the net 〔网球、排球等的〕发球 →5 see picture at 见图 tennisExamples from the Corpusserve• My standard of tennis is at that level where merely returning a serve constitutes a match highlight.• No surprise breaks of serve, no marathon games.• The number of sets can be altered, along with whether points can or can't be won on your opponents' serve.• Rusedski's serve was broken in the fourth game of the opening set, and he did not like it.• With two serves in hand Rafter was poised to take a 6-1 lead.From Longman Business Dictionaryserveserve /sɜːvsɜːrv/ verb1[transitive]COMMERCE to supply customers with a particular product or service or with something they needThe firm plans to open a London office toserve clients with investments and businesses in Europe.JAL Group airlines serve 208 airports in 35 countries and territories.2[intransitive, transitive]COMMERCE to give the customers in a shop, restaurant etc the things they want to buyFree wine will be served on flights.3[intransitive, transitive] to spend a period of time doing a particular job, often an important one that helps the organizationIf elected, she will serve a four-year term.He had toserve an apprenticeship (=a period of training) with an accounting firm.serve asHe has proved to be valuable in several of the companies he has served as a board member.4serve a summons/writ/notice etcLAW to officially send or give someone a written order to appear in a court of lawserve a summons/writ/notice etc onThe manufacturing company served a writ on him after he failed to register the patent.→ See Verb tableOrigin serve1 (1100-1200) Old French servir, from Latin servire “to be a slave, serve”, from servus “slave, servant”, perhaps from Etruscanserve1 verb →n GRAMMAR1serve2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  to as give especially Business someone part Corpus drink, or food




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