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单词 separable
释义 Word family  noun separation separates separatist separatism separator inseperability adjective separable ≠ inseparable separate separated verb separate adverb inseparably separately  sep·a·ra·ble /ˈsepərəbəl/ adjective  SEPARATEtwo things that are separable can be separated or considered separately 可分开[分隔,分离]的 OPP inseparableseparable from Physical health is not always easily separable from mental health. 身体健康和精神健康并不总是可以简单分开。Examples from the Corpusseparable• Thus far Plato and Aristotle attribute similar statements to the Orphics: body and soul are separable.• Rather, they acknowledge two distinct and separable codes.• When seen in the context of the Lincoln glass this is a third separable compositional group of Pain de Venise glass.• But what if form is not separable from content?• The culture of a people is not separable from its physical surroundings.• Other species seem to be separable into geographical races based on their morphological features.• Inputs must be binary only, or linearly separable, or orthogonal.• He will recognize that there are large separable strategic subsystems.sep·a·ra·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  that separable are two can things be Corpus




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