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单词 semi-professional
释义  Related topics: Sport, Occupationsˌsemi-proˈfessional, semiprofessional /ˌsemiprəˈfeʃənəl◂/ (also semi-pro American English informal) adjective  DSBOa semi-professional sports player, musician etc is paid for doing a sport, playing music etc, but does not do it as their main job 〔运动员、音乐家等〕半职业的 a semiprofessional boxer 一位半职业拳击手 —semi-professional (also semi-pro informal American English) noun [countable]Examples from the Corpussemi-professional• a semipro boxer• The regional championships last six months but most of the participants are minor, semi-professional clubs with no hope of winning.• But even the less dedicated of us, public and semi-professional, I think you could say that of us all really.• Once again, the league structure was to change, and the formation of a semi-professional super-league of five divisions was announced.• A modicum of semi-professional training defines the role as putting into practice a set of ideals inculcated in that training.ˌsemi-proˈfessional adjectiveChineseSyllable  musician is for semi-professional paid a doing player, a Corpus etc sports




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