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单词 self-destructive
释义  ˌself-deˈstructive adjective  DESTROYdeliberately doing things that are likely to seriously harm or kill yourself 自毁的,自残的 a self-destructive alcoholic 一个自暴自弃的酗酒者 —self-destruction noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusself-destructive• It will be possible to look back and observe that those in love become utterly self-destructive.• He might be tired, he might be feeling slightly self-destructive at the moment.• Their absence led Barras into a series of impulsive and often self-destructive behaviors.• Is it possible to capture a reader with the tale of two unappealing, selfish and self-destructive characters?• He absorbed the poppy in a self-destructive fury.• Their unreasoning hostility and violence is merely a psychological projection of our own self-destructive impulses.• In spite of Cobain's self-destructive lifestyle, he managed to create some classic songs.• The gulf between words and deeds would, Bertinotti feared, be more self-destructive than any other course of action.• When it comes to playing debased, self-destructive women, Leigh is the best actress in Hollywood.ˌself-deˈstructive adjectiveChineseSyllable  kill deliberately doing to that or Corpus harm seriously likely are things




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