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单词 First name
1. We're on a first name basis.
2. Her first name was Mary. I don't know what her surname was.
3. Her first name is Sarah but I don't know her surname.
4. I never have to spell out my first name.
5. He abbreviated his first name to Alec.
6. Mrs Thatcher's first name is Margaret.
7. first name, if you know them well:Hello, Maria.
8. Smith's first name are Peter George.
9. She called him by his first name .
10. Please call me by my first name.
11. The teacher knows all the pupils by their first name.
12. You will need to create separate fields for first name(), surname and address.
13. Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.
14. His first name is Tom and his surname is Green.
15. Nobody votes on a first name basis.
16. I didn't catch his first name.
17. What's your mom's first name?
18. As a teenager he dropped his first name, Paul, and used only his second name, Jackson.
19. Better he should change his first name from Placido to Rapido.
20. I don't know your first name, but I love you.
21. The first name they laid eyes on each other was at their wedding ceremony.
22. Meadowlark-his first name is used just once-finds himself at the sharp end of all of the culture shock.
23. Voice over Even the governor is on first name terms with the inmates, although the staff still keep a respectful distance.
24. It had shaken her to see her own first name being written like that by an invisible hand.
25. He chatted freely, punctuating his remarks as often as possible with the interviewer's first name.
26. If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she "took up" with him at all, to call her by her first name.
27. It can be rude to call someone by their first name if they are much older or more important than you.
28. He and Mr. O'Brien were acquainted with one another and on first name terms.
29. Lovejoy himself is firmly in the tradition of the likeable rogue - no first name for a start.
30. I was wondering if you know this guy Wilkinson, I forget his first name.
1. We're on a first name basis.
2. Her first name was Mary. I don't know what her surname was.
3. Her first name is Sarah but I don't know her surname.
4. Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.
31. First name drawn from the hat of those ordering advance tickets for the show was.
32. Ask to have the name spelled and ask for the first name if it is not mentioned.
33. He wrote only his first name, in script-a big loop connected to a smaller loop.
34. First name on to the team sheet was young Joey Beauchamp whose scored 3 goals in 3 games.
35. Nowadays, everyone seems to call everyone else by their first name, even though they've never met them before.
36. The check was signed by an officer of the bank whose first name was Thomas; the last name was illegible.
37. Our boss is very formal - he doesn't call anyone by their first name.
38. Do beautiful benthos, you all shout reach first name?
39. Aralia own first name, Tianshui growth in the forest.
40. First Name contains reserved or ineligible word.
41. Most English people have three names: a first name a middle name and the name.
42. She recalls one executive who hired a dead - ringer who even had the same first name.
43. For example, Figure 9 shows two extracts that separate the first name and last name from a string with the format lastname, firstname.
44. Because of the dependence relation between children and parents, they are not able to share equal thoughts; moreover, children cannot call their parents by first name.
45. Each column stores one data element, such as a first name, one line of an address, a price, or any similar discrete unit of information.
46. Orly, an Israeli beauty pageant winner who goes by her first name, countersued.
47. The First Name column disappears, and the columns to its right shift to the left.
48. Mr Joe knew everyone intimately and never used a first name.
49. A person's patronymic consists of his or her father's first name accompanied by a suffix meaning "son of" or daughter of.
50. If it cannot find the field, it splits and capitalizes the camel-case string, such that a "firstName" field name becomes "First Name."
51. Your first name is a reasonable choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters.
52. Indeed, I suspect that I am one of the few people remaining to routinely address him by his first name and use the familiar Sinhala address - oya - when talking to him.
53. If you use the preorder menu that hangs on your door all night, don't mark a first name or the number of people in the room — this reveals to anyone passing your room that you're alone.
54. A rolled-up note was stuck in the final 'o' of Nobuhiro Hayatsu's first name, as if at the wailing wall.
55. Choosing first name can only use two Chinese characters of the legal word table.
56. Author Last name, First name. Year . Title . Type of Working Paper working series title and number.
57. " Carrie, " he said, using her first name with sympathetic familiarity, " I want you to love me.
58. My first name is James and my middle name is Allan.
59. The last time, the first name 'phone scandal' is 'Turin Sports Daily, ' which describes the long gendarmerie like Pa a new book.
60. In Christian countries Christian name is often used for first name.
61. For example, do the end-users want to use the person's first name in a form letter?
62. I'm on a first name basis with every bolt and circuit.
63. Figures 19 and 20 show an example of the EJB test where we entered 1 for the customer number and received Daniel as the first name.
64. Song first name inside the immortal sword 4's PFC animated cartoons? Download?




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