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单词 benefit
释义 Word family  noun benefit beneficiary adjective beneficial verb benefit adverb beneficially  Related topics: Welfare, Insuranceben·e·fit1 /ˈbenəfɪt/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun  1  advantage 好处 [countable, uncountable]ADVANTAGE an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something 好处,益处,裨益 → beneficialbenefit of the benefits of contact lenses 隐形眼镜的好处 I never had the benefit of a university education. 我从未受过大学教育。 The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers. 新信用卡将大大方便我们的客户。 I hope that the decision taken today will be to the benefit of the whole nation. 我希望今天所作的决定将惠及我们整个国家。for somebody’s benefit Could you just explain again for Mark’s benefit? 你为马克再解释一遍好吗?without the benefit of something Most motorists manage without the benefit of four-wheel drive. 大多数汽车司机都不用四轮驱动。► see thesaurus at advantage2  money from government 政府拨款 [countable, uncountable] British EnglishPEWMONEY money provided by the government to people who are sick, unemployed, or have little money 〔政府为病人、失业人士或穷人提供的〕补助金,救济金,津贴 SYN American English welfareunemployment/housing/child etc benefit You might be entitled to housing benefit. 你也许有资格申领住房津贴。on benefit families on benefit 领救济金的家庭 those people eligible to claim benefit 那些可以申请补助的人3  extra things 额外事物 [countable usually plural]BFIMONEY extra money or other advantages that you get as part of your job or from insurance that you have 〔工作单位提供的〕福利,补贴;保险金 → perk We offer an excellent benefits package. 我们提供非常好的综合福利。 medical benefits 医疗福利 → fringe benefit4  give somebody the benefit of the doubt BELIEVEto accept what someone tells you, even though you think they may be wrong or lying but you cannot be sure 虽有怀疑但还是相信某人,姑且相信某人 The referee gave him the benefit of the doubt. 裁判员虽有怀疑,但还是没有判他犯规。5  with the benefit of hindsight/experience used to say it is easier to know the right thing to do after something has happened or if you have a lot of experience 借助于事后的认识/经验 He admitted that, with the benefit of hindsight, the original launch had not been large enough. 他承认事后才明白最初的投放量不够大。6  benefit concert/performance/match MONEYa concert, performance etc arranged to make money for charity 慈善音乐会/义演/义赛 a benefit concert for famine relief 为饥荒灾民筹款的慈善音乐会 COLLOCATIONSverbshave the benefit of something 获益于某事物All the hotel rooms have the benefit of a balcony. 所有的酒店客房都有一个阳台。get a benefit (also gain/derive a benefit formal) 得到好处In this way, students will gain maximum benefit from their classes. 这样,学生就能从课上获得最大限度地受益。enjoy the benefits 享用益处You’ll enjoy all the benefits of being a member. 你将享用到所有的会员优惠。reap the benefits (=enjoy the advantages of something you have worked hard to get) 收获益处He was looking forward to reaping the benefits of all his hard work. 他期待着收获他所有艰苦努力的成果。bring/provide benefits 带来/提供好处The new bridge has brought considerable benefits. 这座新桥带来了很大的便利。something outweighs the benefits (=something is more important than the benefits) 某事物大于好处Make sure that the risks don’t outweigh the benefits. 确保风险不能大于收益。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + benefita great/major/substantial benefit 巨大的好处The new system will be a great benefit to the company. 这种新制度将为公司带来极大的益处。a real benefit 实实在在的好处To get some real benefit from the exercise, you should continue for at least half an hour. 你应该至少连续锻炼半小时,才能获得切实的效果。na direct benefitThe money sent has been of direct benefit to the lasting benefitThese plans are likely to result in lasting benefit to the whole of our district.the full benefit of something 某事物的全部益处They will have the full benefit of our facilities. 他们将能充分享用我们的设施。economic/social/environmental etc benefits 经济/社会/环境等效益Tourism has brought considerable economic benefits to the island. 旅游业给这个岛带来了巨额经济效益。health benefits 健康方面的益处nJust 30 minutes of moderate daily activity yields health benefit (=something good for both people, companies etc involved) 互惠互利nOur two companies are working together for mutual benefit.npotential benefitsThe potential benefits of the scheme must be weighed against the costs involved.nfor your own benefitHe used the money for his own benefit, instead of using it to help other people.Examples from the Corpusbenefit• a benefit being held at a downtown hotel• a benefit concert for the Children's Hospital• You should find out about any benefits you're entitled to.• Child benefit has been frozen for the last three or four years.• Thus the would-be entrepreneur can keep drawing benefits, and, if the business fails, they haven't lost out.• It suffices that customers are expected to act in a way that will provide economic benefits to the entity.• Businesses would lose a whole raft of deductions, including those for employee benefits such as health care.• Surely she'll be eligible for housing benefit?• Tourism has brought many benefits to the area.• The company provides medical benefits.• Both Nunn and Solomon stressed the mutual benefits of a friendlier relationship.• Two-thirds of lone parents are on benefit.• the safety benefits of wearing bicycle helmets• social security benefits• There are several benefits you can claim if you are unemployed.• What are the benefits for Britain of belonging to the European Union?• Let's reap the benefits of a service that is at least 30% better.• And, some employers go basic with the benefits because that is all they can afford.• The benefits include full medical cover when traveling abroad.• the benefits of a healthy lifestyle• If you were fired from your previous job, you may not be able to claim unemployment of ... benefit• A teacher Would have a good understanding of the ways in which Work Experience can be of benefit to the curriculum.• Do we really need lots of people sitting around pondering on research topics that are of little benefit to man or beast?• Having a reliable, automatic means of doing this would be of great benefit.• Raising the image of the whole educational system is of benefit to all schools.• Skeletal muscle relaxing agents and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used but probably are of no more benefit than simple aspirin-based analgesics.• The fact that interest on home mortgages and property taxes remain deductible is of disproportionate benefit to high-income groups.• The Guidelines will be of benefit to those delivering the modules in colleges, schools and other centres.• The lane down to the harbour was steep; the oncoming wind would be of positive benefit.unemployment/housing/child etc benefit• As a first step pensions and child benefit were to be raised and long-term supplementary benefit extended to the long-term unemployed.• This included the poll tax and changes in health provision, unemployment and housing benefits and education.• From April, child benefits are to be raised in the hope of encouraging parents to produce a few more babies.• These are child benefits, industrial injuries and death benefits, certain invalidity benefits, and attendance and mobility allowances.• For example they may be asked to prepare a training session on how to deal with difficult clients or one on housing benefits.• She says delays from the Department of Social Security in paying out housing benefit have given her financial problems.• If you are already receiving Housing Benefit this will be done automatically. 5.• Are changes such as means-testing child benefit and state pensions simply unthinkable?benefits package• A benefits package is a very marketable advantage, one that Trope hopes will give them the edge over other independent labels.• A suitable relocation compensation and benefits package also needs to be provided.• To improve attitudes further, employers need to explain the provisions of the compensation and benefits package fully.• We offer an excellent salary and benefits package, including relocation costs.• Other team members ask Vickie to find out if any decision has been made on the change in the company benefits package.• Additionally there is a comprehensive benefits package that will include relocation expenses if needed.• In any case, the coverage for everyone would be the national standard benefits package.benefit2 ●●○ W3 AWL verb (benefited, benefiting)  [intransitive, transitive]ADVANTAGE if you benefit from something, or it benefits you, it gives you an advantage, improves your life, or helps you in some way 受益,得益;有益于,有利于 They are working together to benefit the whole community. 他们在为整个社区的利益共同努力。benefit from/by Many thousands have benefited from the new treatment. 千千万万的人已受益于这种新疗法。 They would benefit by reducing their labour costs. 他们将得益于劳动力成本的降低。benefit greatly/enormously/considerably etc I’m sure you’ll benefit greatly from the visit. 我相信,这次访问将使你获益匪浅。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbenefit• Admission is $5, with proceeds benefiting a local children's charity.• Rates start at $ 799 plus airfare; profits benefit animal care at affiliated centers.• However, such historical studies as do address this question indicate that all members do not benefit equally.• He expects stocks to continue to march higher, benefiting from falling rates and decent corporate earnings.• Stocks had benefited from J. P. Morgan.• And investors benefit if companies are clearly, not hazily, understood by the City.• Critics argue that the tax cuts will only benefit large companies.• This personalized process aims at releasing human potential in a way that will benefit the corporation.• The dams etc may also have been designed to attract industry and so benefit the country in the long term.• New regulations will greatly benefit the region's poorest residents.benefit from/by• Economists call this the free-rider problem; people can receive benefits from a good without contributing to its costs.• People being assessed are also offered an advocacy service in case they feel that they would benefit from additional support.• She thought that Pamela might benefit from having the opportunity to discuss her worries with some one outside the family.• The property benefits from its own drive and a wider than average side access.• Effective management of health and safety programs therefore depends on measuring the benefits from lives saved and improved health and safety.• Chrysler has been benefiting from strong sales of its redesigned, industry-leading line of minivans.• Maternal care needs modeling; each generation benefits from the care received by the earlier one.• Thousands of people of all ages have benefit from well-proven cosmetic improvement procedures.From Longman Business Dictionarybenefitben‧e‧fit1 /ˈbenəfɪt/ noun1[countable] a good effect or advantage that something has, for example a product or serviceWe will focus our marketing message on the environmental benefits of the product.The system offers real benefits to the consumer.2[countable, uncountable] British English money provided by the government to people who are old and no longer work, or to people who are unemployed, ill, or on a low income etcSYN AmE welfarethe number of people out of work and receiving benefitTwo thirds of lone parents on benefit receive income support. → accident and health benefit → child benefit → disability benefit → housing benefit → incapacity benefit → maternity benefit → sickness benefit → state benefit → unemployment benefit → welfare benefit3[countable]INSURANCE money paid out on certain insurance policies, especially health insuranceIn the event of a justified claim, permanent total disablement benefit will be payable from the date of the claimant’s disablement. → death benefit4[countable]HUMAN RESOURCES something, especially money, that an employer gives to workers in addition to their normal pay, to encourage them to work harder or be satisfied where they workThe company offers an excellent salary and benefits package, including relocation costs. → employee benefits → fringe benefitbenefitbenefit2 verb1[intransitive] to get help or an advantage from somethingThe taxpayer benefits because we do not have to borrow public money from the Treasury.benefit fromThis sector will benefit from lower borrowing costs.2[transitive] to give someone help or advantageThe increase in house prices in the past 30 years has mainly benefited the comfortably-off.→ See Verb tableOrigin benefit1 (1300-1400) Anglo-French ben fet, from Latin bene factum, from bene factus; → BENEFACTIONben·e·fit1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1benefit2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that help advantage, from you or Business an Corpus get improvement, something




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