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单词 seemly
释义  seem·ly /ˈsiːmli/ adjective old-fashioned  SUITABLEsuitable for a particular situation or social occasion, according to accepted standards of behaviour 适宜的,得体的,合乎行为规范的 OPP unseemly It was not seemly for ladies to talk about money. 女士谈论钱的事似乎不大得体。Examples from the Corpusseemly• Old Chao hesitated, apparently aware that he was displaying more self-satisfaction than was seemly.• It would not have been very seemly for the ladies to hear all the shouting.• But he should have gone further and acknowledged that it is not seemly to hold such political functions in the White House.Origin seemly (1100-1200) Old Norse sœmligr, from sœmr; → SEEMseem·ly adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus or social situation particular a suitable for




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