随便看 |
- at the mercy of something
- at the mercy of sth
- at the minimum
- at the moment
- at (the) most
- at the most
- at the outset
- at the outside
- at the periphery
- at the periphery of
- at the periphery of something
- at the periphery of sth
- at the pit of your stomach
- at the push of a button
- at the ready
- at the risk of doing
- at the risk of doing something
- at the risk of doing sth
- at the same time
- at the time
- at the top/bottom of the heap
- at the top of the heap
- at the touch of a button
- at the touch of a key
- at the vanguard
- Deadweight
- Subordinating
- Donne
- Round-trip ticket
- Periorbital
- Chow
- Phase of the moon
- Unacquainted
- Hypercalciuria
- Erogenous
- 《君子尚德,小人尚力;尚德树思,尚力树敌.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《君子居之,何陋之有!》是什么意思,出处是出自哪里?
- 《君子居之,何陋之有?》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《君子居必择乡,游必就士.》是什么意思,出处是出自哪里?
- 《君子居必择邻,游必就士,择居所以求士,求士所以辟(避)患也……汩(gu古)常移质,习俗移性,不可不慎也.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《君子居易以俟命,小人行险以侥幸》原文与赏析
- 《君子居易以俟命,小人行险以徼幸。》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《君子屡盟,乱是用长。》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《君子屡盟,乱是用长。》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《君子屡盟,乱是用长。》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《君子履信而厥身以立.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《君子崇人之德,扬人之美,非谄谀也;正义直指,举人之过,非毁疵也.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《君子崇人之德,扬人之美,非道谀也;正言直行,指人之过,非毁疵也.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《君子常虚其心志,恭其容貌,不以逸群之才加乎众人之上,视彼犹贤,自视犹不足也.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《君子常行胜言,小人常言胜行.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- Cyclopes句子
- Colourant句子
- Come into vogue句子
- Soap bubble句子
- Post house句子
- Annatto句子
- Golden chain句子
- Rough estimate句子
- Bant句子
- Run dialog句子
- Remitter句子
- Sharp drop句子
- Extinctive句子
- Run at the mouth句子
- Run application句子