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单词 sedimentary
释义  Related topics: Oceanography, Geologysed·i·men·ta·ry /ˌsedəˈmentəri◂/ adjective technical  HEOmade of the solid substances that settle at the bottom of the sea, rivers, lakes etc 〔在海、河、湖等的底部〕沉积的,沉积形成的 sedimentary rock 沉积岩 sedimentary deposits 沉积矿床Examples from the Corpussedimentary• On Earth, the deposit of sedimentary rock at the bottom of the ocean is part of larger geological cycles.• Limestone Any sedimentary rock consisting essentially of carbonates.• It was formed by the heating and crushing of shale, a sedimentary rock which has hardened from mud.• There is already evidence that mining corporations are interested in probing beneath the sedimentary rocks to find new deposits.• Oil, gas, and coal, composed of organic carbon compounds, are found as economic deposits in sedimentary rocks.• The deposits eventually become pressed under sedimentary weight into stone.sed·i·men·ta·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  of bottom substances at the the Corpus solid settle that made of




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