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单词 Withstand
1, What sort of substance could withstand those temperatures?
2, Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.
3, The vehicle is sturdy enough to withstand rough terrain.
4, This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures.
5, The wooden boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition at sea.
6, It is unlikely that his forces could withstand an allied onslaught for very long.
7, Our toys are designed to withstand the rough treatment of the average five-year-old.
8, She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.
9, The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.
10, The same can not withstand the ravages of time, emotion, to the time it will cool.
11, The bacteria can withstand extremes of heat and cold.
12, This flooring can withstand years of hard wear.
13, I couldn't withstand the murderous heat.
14, All buildings are now reinforced to withstand earthquakes.
15, Sports equipment is designed to withstand hard usage.
16, The garrison was built to withstand assaults.
17, The aircraft is designed to withstand turbulent conditions.
18, Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.
19, The pot is made to withstand high temperatures.
20, She could not withstand such a sudden onslaught.
21, The materials used have to be able to withstand high temperatures.
22, They can withstand extremes of temperature and weather without fading or cracking.
23, As a politician,[http:///withstand.html] he is able to withstand public criticism.
24, The plants were unable to withstand the rigours of a harsh winter.
25, This fortress could withstand a siege for years if necessary.
26, The flooring needs to be tough enough to withstand wear.
27, Wallcoverings and floors should be able to withstand steam and splashes.
28, The equipment should be able to withstand a certain amount of rough handling.
29, Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
30, The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specifically designed to withstand the force.
1, What sort of substance could withstand those temperatures?
2, Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.
3, The vehicle is sturdy enough to withstand rough terrain.
4, This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures.
5, The wooden boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition at sea.
6, It is unlikely that his forces could withstand an allied onslaught for very long.
7, Our toys are designed to withstand the rough treatment of the average five-year-old.
8, She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.
9, The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.
10, Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.
31, The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures.
32, The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to withstand ground and air attacks.
33, The helmets are designed to withstand impacts equivalent to a fall from a bicycle.
34, The human organism can withstand unspeakable physical pain.
35, Could my various injuries withstand the onslaught?
36, Some doubted its ability to withstand rough weather.
37, I can withstand the pressures of the system.
38, It can withstand knocks, is low-odour and quick-drying.
39, Other popular myths also fail to withstand close scrutiny.
40, Working copy: not likely to withstand further toil.
41, Similarly, much depends on the armed forces' ability to withstand the cartels' attempts to penetrate and co-opt them.
42, Most disc harrows are of rugged, heavy-duty construction designed to withstand extremely tough working conditions.
43, The idea that the peace movement was responsible for the National Government's policy of appeasement will not withstand examination.
44, Did his supportive family have to withstand the same uncertainty?
45, One system uses a peristaltic pump which, although very accurate, can not withstand back pressure.
46, Democratic states, like all others, survive through their ability to withstand external threats.
47, While companies talk about sustainable agriculture, they create plant varieties that can withstand being sprayed by their most virulent herbicides.
48, No animal or plant can withstand ultraviolet radiation in more than modest amounts.
49, River organisms' ability to survive the disruption of floods was never evolved to withstand this kind of onslaught.
50, From Titron had come the first man who could withstand radiation, be it from a bomb, or in deep space.
51, It seemed to withstand the onslaught of bicycles, tricycles and roller skates with scarcely a scratch to show.
52, Also, tidal power generators must be designed to withstand severe wave action and the corrosive effects of seawater.
52, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
53, Some deliberately seek high concentrations of brine and others regularly withstand being frozen solid.
54, These were essentially flight recorders but were not made to withstand crash forces.
55, Healthy root development is reflected in robust top growth and an ability to withstand drought, pest and disease problems.
56, The pressure bearings into which the rotors were set had been designed to withstand the strongest winds with a margin of safety.
57, The hero shrew has an armoured backbone that can withstand enormous pressure.
58, But one inventor thinks he has the answer - a building material made of straw that can withstand very high temperatures.
59, True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to appellation. George Washington 
60, Roots of wheat which have been stunted by excessive water in spring will be less able to withstand a summer drought.
61, You need to possess a tremendous mental strength to withstand the rigours of rowing.
62, Are government institutions strong enough to withstand a strengthened executive power?
63, Unlike bananas, which continue to ripen after picking, pineapples have been previously transported under-ripe to withstand damage during shipping.
64, But remember that these cars accrue, and can withstand, significantly higher mileages than petrol cars, 50-90,000 being the norm.
65, The tendons increase the curvature of the balloon's skin and mean the material can withstand greater pressures.
66, An epidemic of such proportions that nothing could withstand it.
67, Vinyl wallcoverings are always practical in halls since they will withstand all sorts of rough treatment.
68, The transporters are designed to withstand accidents and until recently the Govenrment ruled out any possibility of a radioactive leak.
69, Hardliners reckon that without him they could not withstand a reformist onslaught for long.
70, It is designed to withstand the sort of storm that statistically would be expected to occur once in every 10,000 years.
71, The amount of shearing or elongation which a ductile material will withstand varies enormously between different metals and alloys.
72, It is more robust in form than many faces, which will help it withstand facsimile transmission.
73, None of that would matter much if the material could withstand the scrutiny.
74, Lind also installed carpeting that could withstand the impact of the wheels.
75, Cardiff residents have complained that the nearby bluffs are too fragile to withstand the pounding of more trains running close by.
76, It must also be robust enough to withstand the wear and tear of the postal system and the editor's desk.
77, Holm oak and tamarisk withstand the wind and salt spray and give shelter to the birds.
78, This comes in sheets or pads from Saler-Rowney, and is able to withstand much reworking.
79, When choosing a varnish, be sure to choose a flooring grade which is able to withstand hard wear.
80, Bad luck is a test of resilience, determination and perseverance. Many people fail to withstand the pressures of bad luck and simply give up. Dr T.P.Chia 
81, Sensitivity Orfe are generally a very hardy species and can easily withstand the cold winter temperatures that will occur in the pond.
82, Of course different clays can withstand different firing temperatures before they vitrify and lose their structural integrity.
83, Earlier this month the MoD repeated its claim that transporters are designed to withstand major accidents.
84, This particular P.C. may be a very strong-minded man and be determined to withstand the pressure being brought upon him.
85, The bridge is built to withstand an earthquake of 8.3 magnitude.
86, Flyte knew he would not be able to withstand the agony of lying to them again; he would blurt everything out.
87, Now it will have to withstand still another great transformation.
88, Parts were easy to replace and the chassis and main body built to withstand mileage.
89, All varieties of this species withstand hard water as well as water with surplus or organic substances.
90, However, the spadefoot's body tissues have the remarkable ability to withstand the loss of large amounts of water.
91, My own preference has always been for the rough-coated variety since these can withstand weather and rough going very much better.
92, Only the truly committed can withstand the ordeal. Throughout life, remediation is harder than prevention.
93, But the wind tunnel specifications called for this wall to be able to withstand seventy-five pounds a square foot.
94, During the rainy periods they survive under water in the flooded areas for several months and will withstand a permanently submersed environment.
95, They withstand artificial illumination well not only from above but also from the sides and are indifferent to moderately hard water.
96, This is unlikely I admit, but, should it happen, virtually nothing in the Known World could withstand it.
97, Rear-facing safety seats can not withstand deployment of an airbag, the agency said.
98, Compared to gases and liquids, solids can withstand considerable external stress.
99, They might dislike what he did but could not withstand what he was as a result of doing it.
100, If Cleo represented a hair shirt, he would wear it, and withstand the chafing.
101, Can the demands of privacy withstand the advance of digital technology?
102, It is evidence of cricket's longevity, of its ability to withstand changing moods.
103, It was hard to believe that this clumsy box of bricks was strong enough to withstand the pressure of its wings.
104, These animals possess the remarkable ability to withstand intense heat and drought for prolonged periods of time.
105, The pto is designed to withstand the engine's high torque.
106, But the bomb casings and high explosive charges in nuclear weapons can not withstand fire and explosive shock.
107, It was an uncompromising block which looked as though it could withstand a siege.
108, Practitioners respect its low toxicity and its ability to withstand the enormous pressures generated in the back teeth.
109, Dogmas that could not withstand scrutiny withered(), while those that accommodated observations and questioning prospered.
110, All passenger cars must withstand the standard 363 tonne buffing load without deforming.
111, Obviously no species could withstand such depredations for long, although the present losses of habitat may be considered even more serious.
112, But neither he nor his flat tax could withstand the media scrutiny and attacks from Dole and much of the Republican establishment.
112, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
113, The domes are made of a steel-nickel alloy which can withstand high pressure and even explosions.
114, The body of the adult human, however, can often withstand this chemical onslaught and ultimately recover fully.
115, With a stout ship and the right sort of clothes to withstand the weather some good cruising can be enjoyed.
116, But it remained to be seen whether the ambitious plan would withstand the impact of possible future austerity measures.
117, The children became excited, as though they were preparing to withstand a siege.
118, Industrial problems involving lasers, solid state or quantum electronics and the development of materials to withstand exotic conditions are all interdisciplinary.
119, The axon must be able to withstand stretching.
120, Tomato is thermophilic, but can't withstand high temperature.
121, The goal will probably not withstand another slam dunk.
122, A fluid cannot withstand a shear.
123, Cable shall be qualified to withstand burning test.
124, A politician must be able to withstand public criticism.
125, The fabric is strong enough to withstand harsh processing.
126, Can withstand over 2 times rated current without demagnetization.
127, The product is made of fireproof voltage withstand material.
128, Use a water-resistant eyeliner that can withstand tears.
129, Rigorously tested, this landing gear will withstand incredible loads.
130, Unable to withstand her " once - over, " Jou - chia felt awkward and ill at ease.
131, Insulator should withstand power frequency voltage, switchingvoltage and lightning impulse voltage, shouldn't flashover under pollution.
132, Some freshwater fishes such as pike can withstand levels of acidity.
133, The finishes can withstand pasteurised and some sterilised filling processes, Crown says.
134, Is evil to withstand evil disinclined to partial loosened the small fox of that huge pant, the beginning washed body because small fox, and that disgustingly dirty clown.
135, But the invasion of lightning surge may lead its failure due to its low voltage withstand level which may affect the normal service power system.
136, Compared to some of today's big hitters, such as the Northern American bighorn sheep, the Arctic musk ox and African duiker, Stegoceras ' head was able to withstand the most stress.
137, By induced over-voltage withstand test, partial discharge test, partial discharge test , dry-type transformer insulation hidden damage can be detected.
138, Few men have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
139, The traditional measure method of the power withstand test is to use the voltage meter, ammeter, power analyzer, frequency analyzer etc to measure the waveform and parameters of the power signals.
140, The Hammer-Blow plate and rim are made of tough, shock resistant ductile iron to withstand heavy, valve releasing impact.
141, Constant radial load (constant axial load center), in the load, the bearing can withstand 1 million transfer theory, the basic rating life.
142, Unable to withstand my importunity he would make out drafts for me to copy.
143, Withstand high temperatures hold the key to sunshine,[http:///withstand.html] but the sun can not walk obediently stagnancy .
144, You must withstand the enemy's overwhelming attacks with the machine guns, cannon shot and air ...
145, No material known to man can withstand this much heat.
146, What courage can withstand the everduring and all - besetting terrors of a woman's tongue?
147, One can withstand a river in flood , the other can drown in a dew drop.
148, To enable them to withstand the heavy loading of opening the valve, the cams are required to be hardened to a good depth during manufacture.
149, The dielectric voltage - withstand test apparatus shall be in accordance with Clause 16.20.
150, Mortise and tenon structure can withstand a nail than furniture made of greater tension.
151, She could withstand any number of cold shoulders turned against her.
152, He is careful earthing up the saplings so that they can withstand the imminent storm.
153, Thread coupling and bayonet coupling connect technique, known for their supreme reliability, high power carrying capacity, inherent ruggedness and capacity to withstand extreme harsh environment.
154, According to Mr Hiller, his shunter has to withstand decelerations of 5g (ie, five times the force of the Earth's gravitational field).
155, Scientists can't really explain it, why Wim Hof, the 48-year-old Dutchman known as 'iceman', is able to withstand temperatures that could be fatal to the average person.
156, As a new and effective method to withstand horizontal component of earthquake for building structure, the base isolation technique has been in the engineering application phase.
157, bullet-proof glass can withstand the tremendous impact of the shot.
158, Tray supports shall be rigid enough to withstand severe vibrations that would be caused due to water hammering during start-up and full load throw-off conditions.
159, May God grant you enough courage and forbearance to withstand this shock.
160, Body structure1. The whole machine adopts aluminum alloy casting, with precision CNC machining, high speed machine can withstand strong, durable use.
161, This compact sensor can withstand intense vibrations, making it one of Danfoss' most reliable products. But it is its integrated electronics, which acts to enhance the electrical signal.
162, Hitherto the withering flowers can't withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.
163, Therefore themajority inhabitant family can withstand food rise in price theinfluence.
164, This satellite network was designed to withstand World War III.
165, When the bearing radial clearance increases, with the nature of angular contact ball bearing can withstand both directions alternating axial load.
166, Exercise really can help you withstand stresses and strains more easily.
167, Democratic governments can withstand some consumer disgruntlement, especially if it is too thinly spread to swing many votes.
168, They say the federal government assured them in 1999 that a levee was sturdy enough to withstand a historic flood, so many dropped their flood insurance.
169, Line frequency withstand voltage test is a test - voltage appliance's solid insulation and the capacity short time - voltage.
170, The electrodes and the insulator separating them must withstand high temperatures, as well as an electric stress of up to several thousand volts.
171, This meshwork soon contracts into a resilient clot that can withstand the friction of Blood flow.
172, For example, roof material must be strong enough to withstand damage by the sun, rain, snow, and winds. (OFDA-supplied plastic sheeting has been very effective as roofing material.
172, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
173, The products can withstand the corrosion of strong acid, strong acid, strong alkali, salt, anti-corrosion is F2, protection grade reaches IP65.
174, To withstand the temperatures and the radiation, the instruments will be protected by a huge carbon-composite heat shield that still needs to be built.
175, A race car can withstand a great deal of punishment.
176, But at the crucial moment Qiu Yike patience to withstand pressure to deal with opponents, Tsui Hark final return of serve under the net, Qiu Yike 11-6 victory to win the tie breaker.
177, Japan is an economic power house and can withstand the pressure of China.
178, If the project can withstand bank audit to obtain eligibility for loans, but also indirectly demonstrate low-risk projects.
179, A routine test, basically to test the outside Shi AC Withstand Voltage transformer insulation strength, vertical insulation damage has occurred even if the test is also not.
180, When they repeated the curse word, participants were able to withstand the water longer and reported a lesser pain level than when they repeated the neutral word.
181, Have the ability to withstand shock loading. The interior has separate parts. Have swash plate in them to guarantee quality performance.
182, Lift check valve with a spring load can withstand light valve flap , flap valve lift is not high.
183, Then came the most critical test of internal pressure, which required the CCM to withstand twice standard atmosphere pressure (31 psi) in order to meet the required NASA safety factor of two.
184, Some are panicky in C, individual worker even threaten should withstand not dry.
185, The maximal withstand voltage of single insulator for the middle string of single circuit tower is more than the side string.
186, These displacement transducers are ruggedly constructed of stainless steel and able to withstand harsh environments where high ambient temperature or vibration is present.
187, The window all changed into the aluminum alloy, uglily is unable to withstand.
188, Subject unmated connector shall be mounted in a position of axial alignment of the contacts with the plunger of the test gauge to measure the withstand ability of the contact retaining system.
189, I asked myself where my mother could be, whether she'd also been able to withstand the poison, her lungs adapt to this solitary inclemency and the dearth of oxygen.
190, In cyclone-prone Bangladesh, clinics, shelters and other emergency facilities have been built on stilts or on higher ground to withstand sea surges, flooding and high wind.
191, When you are being used illegitimately, so that your reputation floor, you can still withstand unconscionable humiliation.
192, Fixed - seal & rotational - seal are made of various msterials, SIC, Carbon, Ceramic and can withstand various chemicals.
193, Under the agreement Aqeri will ruggedize IBM BladeCentre server systems to withstand extreme mechanical and environmental conditions.
194, Because the ally which is short of inherent agglutinability and only be united by completely outside force obviously cannot withstand a single blow.
195, They are manufactured and packed to withstand changeable climatic conditions.
196, Wattle is purpose - built to withstand the country's droughts, winds and bush fires.
197, Provable security means the scheme can be proven secure and it can withstand cryptanalytic attacks.
198, But no lamp could withstand the jolting of the roads of East Barsetshire.
199, This simple candle holder made of a cobbler's shoe stand and mold is heavy and strong enough to withstand the wind, and it adds an eclectic, romantic feel to a basic candle in a mason jar.
200, The robust 68-pin connector can withstand more than 10,000 mating cycles and multiple connector off-set options are available to suit a wide range of applications.
201, Once again I was confronted with Wallace’s true genius, as well as the worry that my stomach would be unable to withstand the large quantity of Advil I guessed I would need.
202, People of India are strong . They have a vibrant, multiethnic democracy that can withstand this trial.
203, Incredibly, the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand about 2000 times the dose of ionising radiation that would kill a human, making it the most radiation-resistant organism known.
204, Equipped with grounding switch load switch, can withstand short-circuit current.
205, Do you have the patience to withstand the gestation period?
206, At nights, always cannot withstand the quiet atmosphere, while at days I want to sleep more.
207, Airproof aluminum profile and aluminum board are combined firmly around to withstand rainwater penetration.
208, London-based Nissen Adams developed a housing model that uses materials such as masonry that can withstand water on the lower level.
209, While the main detection machine includes: 6-figure table, leak voltage tester, leak current tester and withstand voltage tester .
210, Because some subdebutante the making love number of times few reasons, the vagina will be quite tight, will make love when must withstand the pain will be very fierce.
211, It also must be large enough to withstand the supply voltage.
212, Living so far underwater, the newfound, 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) snailfish can withstand pressures equal to 1, 600 elephants standing on the roof of a Mini Cooper, according to Oceanlab.
213, The influence of induced voltage of lightning stroke to the transmission line tower on the lightning withstand level of transmission line through the field-line coupling mechanism are analyzed.
214, Reducing the ground resistance of pole and tower is the major measure to improve the lightning impulse withstand level and to reduce lightning trip -out rate of transmission line .
215, Server makers pride themselves on their high-end machines' ability to withstand failures, but Google prefers to invest its money in fault-tolerant software.
216, This major unit must be strong and rigid enough to withstand any bending or distortion.
217, Hoses, air bags and bellows shall be dimensioned in order to withstand a bursting pressure equal to at least three times the maximum pressure permitted by the pressure relief valve.
218, To withstand the ARP attacks an algorithm an active technique to detect ARP attacks was proposed.
219, Bishops who think they can no longer withstand continuous severe trials should plainly voice their difficulty to the Holy See.
220, Able to withstand extraordinary wind and force, security film helps prevent entry of water and wind-borne debris, providing superior protection 24-hours a day.
221, Will you have nerves of steel to withstand massive infection?
222, Withstand all the trials Fujiyama encounters and become the best ninja in all of Japan!
223, Both the results of analysis and simulation reveal that the effect of lightning induced voltage on the lightning withstand level cannot be negligible.
224, She couldn't withstand the lure of money and was dragged into the mire.
225, Since Ship Wood can withstand years of water erosion, is far from the general nature of its wood may well be comparable to wood, so durability is a good ship where the most attractive wood.
226, The object of this test procedure is to detail a standard method to assess the ability of a connector to withstand specified severity of mechanical shock.
227, It was crucial that our negotiating record be above reproach to withstand the domestic fury ahead.
228, That power was badly eroded in 2006, when Hizballah was able to withstand the Israeli onslaught, force a cease-fire and claim victory in the process.
229, Textiles are made repellent to withstand the stresses of use and of the environment.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 8:07:05