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单词 secure
释义 Word family  noun security ≠ insecurity adjective secure ≠ insecure verb secure adverb securely ≠ insecurely  Related topics: Loanssecure1 ●●● W3 AWL verb [transitive]  1  get/achieve 得到/获得 to get or achieve something that will be permanent, especially after a lot of effort 〔尤指经过大量努力〕获得,得到 Boyd’s goal secured his team’s place in the Cup Final. 博伊德的进球确保了球队进入足总杯决赛。secure a deal/contract The company secured a $20 million contract. 这家公司争取到了一份2,000万美金的合同。 Negotiators are still working to secure the hostages’ release. 谈判人员仍在努力争取人质获释。 Redgrave won his third Olympic gold medal, and secured his place in history. 雷德格雷夫赢得了个人第三枚奥运会金牌,使自己的名字载入了史册。2  safe from harm 安全的 to make something safe from being attacked, harmed, or lost 使安全,保护 Troops were sent to secure the border. 军队被派去保卫边境。secure something against somebody/something They built a ten-foot high fence to secure the house against intruders. 他们筑了一道十英尺高的围栏,防止人闯入房子。 an agreement to secure the future of the rainforest 一份保护热带雨林未来的协议3  tie firmly 系紧 to fasten or tie something firmly in a particular position 缚牢,系紧,将〔某物〕固定secure something to something John secured the boat firmly to the jetty. 约翰把小船牢牢系泊在码头。4  borrowing money 借钱BFL if you secure a debt or a loan, you legally promise that, if you cannot pay back the money you have borrowed, you will give the lender goods or property of the same value instead 为〔债务或贷款〕作抵押 He used his house to secure the loan. 他用自己的房子作抵押贷到了这笔钱。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussecure• Fox had used company money to secure a personal loan.• Oregon secured a place in the NCAA basketball tournament.• Schiller secured funds for the special education project.• Fairfax is securing its wheels with rocks.• Troops were brought in to secure the area.• They would be securing the boats, and perhaps some of the stock, and looking to the hay and peat-stacks.• Ms. Ferrer and Santos are working together to secure the hostages' release.• France was able to secure the release of two of its hostages.• I congratulate him on securing this debate today.• On Wednesday, I contacted DeltaTech so l could determine the next step I should take to secure this important account.secured ... place• Lisa Spence was unfortunate not to get first prize in the Juvenile Drum Majors section, but happily secured second place.• The stoppage means some students will have to wait longer to learn whether they've secured a college place.• A lucky win against Aurillac in the play-offs secured them a place among the last 32.• The Polytechnic usually receives hundreds of phone calls from students trying to find out if they've secured a place at college.• Having secured miners' place at the top of the manual wages league, there was nowhere for that economism to go.• Victory would have secured Jarryd his place at the top of the points table, a feat worth £110,000.• Lebed has, indeed, secured a place for himself in the fanfare.• She then draped it with vivid red silk, secured in place with a glue ... future• Renewed emphasis on and commitment to growth and achievement will secure the future.• You can help to secure the future by joining the Society now.• The earl is currently struggling to secure the future of his stately home, Bemersyde, near St Boswells.• Its purpose is to keep secure the future of the library of the Royal Commonwealth Society.• The total project cost was over £1.5 million - money well spent to secure the future of this important Paisley landmark.• Some fear it's their last chance to secure the future they and their forefathers worked something to something• Dana secured the boat to the dock with a strong·cure2 /sɪˈkʊə $ -ˈkjʊr/ ●●○ S3 W3 AWL adjective  1  permanent/certain 永久的/确定的DEPEND ON/RELY ON a situation that is secure is one that you can depend on because it is not likely to change 稳固的,可靠的,稳定的 OPP insecure There are no secure jobs these days. 如今已经没有铁饭碗了。 We want a secure future for our children. 我们希望我们的孩子未来生活无虞。 United’s position at the top of the league seems relatively secure. 联队在联赛中的头名位置似乎相对稳固。2  place/building 地方/建筑SAFE locked or guarded so that people cannot get in or out or steal anything 锁牢的,关紧的,牢固的 The house isn’t very secure – we need some new locks. 这房子不是很安全——我们需要加几把新锁。 Keep your passport in a secure place. 把你的护照放在安全的地方。secure accommodation British English (=a type of prison) 管教所 In the last year, only three children under the age of 14 have had to be placed in secure accommodation. 去年,只有三名14岁以下儿童需要进管教所。3  safe from harm 使安全 safe from and protected against damage or attack 安全的,受保护的 Companies can offer secure credit card transactions over the Internet. 公司可以提供安全的网上信用卡交易。secure from These elephants are relatively secure from poachers. 这些大象相对比较安全,不太会受到偷猎者的威胁。4  confident 自信的CONFIDENT feeling confident about yourself and your abilities 〔对自己和自己的能力〕有自信的 OPP insecure We want our children to be secure and feel good about themselves. 我们希望孩子有自信,对自己感觉良好。5  not worried 不担忧的CONFIDENT feeling confident and certain about a situation and not worried that it might change 感到有保障的,没有顾虑的 OPP insecure Workers no longer feel secure about the future. 工人们对未来不再感到有保障。 It was enough money to make us feel financially secure. 那笔钱足够使我们感到经济上有保障。 We huddled together, secure in the knowledge that the rescue helicopter was on its way. 我们挤在一起,知道救援直升机已经在赶来的路上,因而感到放心了。6  firmly fastened 固定住的ATTACH firmly fastened or tied, and not likely to fall down 固定住的,系牢的,缚紧的 Are you sure that shelf is secure? 你肯定那个架子牢固吗?Examples from the Corpussecure• The children all slept together in the same bed, snug and secure.• There is also an emerging globalisation of ethical and judicial standards, which should render social and individual rights more secure.• Gorbachev's place in history is secure.• If your password gets known by anyone else, your data may not be secure.• Children need to feel safe and secure about the world they grow up in.• After that Corbett just had to wait, pleased to rest and stay in the monastery where he felt secure and safe.• a secure area near the governor's office• I don't think Marie is as secure as she would have liked us to believe.• Make sure the building is completely secure before you leave.• The majority had therefore experienced secure employment for relatively long periods of time.• He kept his savings under his bed, secure from the prying eyes of his roommate.• A new start, far away from Hugh, in this novel but secure haven.• Wilson had no secure job.• She felt much more secure now that she had put a bolt on the door.• These tenants can frequently be living in the least desirable and least secure of all housing in rural locations.• Keep your passport in a secure place.• Being in charge and feeling legally secure seems necessary for whoever carries out the parenting role.• A secure soloist, it is implied, might not be given much guidance.• She was no more secure than she'd ever been - one mistake, and she'd be out on her ear!• People should feel secure when they walk the streets of this future• Adoption offers the most secure future.• And it should mean the 370 employees working on propellers can look forward to a more secure future.• Few young people face a secure future.• Many entrepreneurial companies simply can not even match six percent pretax margin or look forward to a secure future.• There are exceptions, of course, but a good education is still the ticket to a secure future.• These people were all robbed of a secure future by Robert Maxwell.• The new order should mean a more secure future for the remaining staff.• A secure future in their home from an established place• They should be kept in a rigid container made for the purpose and stored in a secure place.• These islands are secure places and are used as sites for villages, small towns and even imposing fortresses.• Cabbage has earned a secure place in the winter repast for its unpretentious, wholesome goodness and its versatility.• But the number of graduates securing places on training courses to teach these subjects is still being from• They spent the night in a little cave, secure from the storm.feel secure• The defiant child uses bossiness and defiance in an attempt to feel secure.• The economy spits out new jobs, yet no one feels secure.• In order for patients to relax, they must feel secure and able to trust those caring for them.• If parents dedicate evenings to child care, they can build rituals that make a child feel secure and connected.• After that Corbett just had to wait, pleased to rest and stay in the monastery where he felt secure and safe.• A child feels secure if the events of her day are as regular and certain as the sunrise.• Does your mate feel secure in himself about his attractiveness and potency?• Only a society in which people feel secure in their peer groups can bring about such mass action from below.From Longman Business Dictionarysecurese‧cure1 /sɪˈkjʊə-ˈkjʊr/ verb [transitive]1to get something you need after a lot of effortThe airline has secured financing of $150 million from private sponsors.2FINANCE to promise a lender that they can take certain assets, such as property or shares, if their loan is not paid back within the agreed time limitBorrowers generally are required to secure a loan with personal property as something against/on somethingThe debt is secured on some of the company’s assets.→ See Verb tablesecuresecure2 adjective1FINANCEinvestments or companies which are secure are not likely to lose moneyafinancially secure companyHigher yields are considered to be less secure.2feeling confident about a particular situation, especially one which concerns the futureThe frequent announcements of staff cuts are making Americans feel less secure in their jobs.3safe and protected from damage, change, being stolen etcCustomers want guarantees that cash machines will be secure from unauthorized use.The single currency is giving industry more secure operating conditions.Origin secure1 (1500-1600) Latin securus, from se “without” + cura “care”secure1 verbse·cure2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  be or Corpus that something to get will Business especially achieve permanent,




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