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单词 bend
释义  bend1 /bend/ ●●● S3 W3 verb (past tense and past participle bent /bent/)  1  MOVE YOUR BODY[intransitive, transitive]BEND to move part of your body so that it is not straight or so that you are not upright (使)倾侧;俯身;(使)弯腰 Lee bent and kissed her. 李俯下身来亲她。 She bent her head. 她低下头。 Bend your knees, but keep your back straight. 膝盖弯曲,背部保持挺直。bend over Emma bent over to pick up the coins. 埃玛弯腰去捡硬币。bend down I bent down to lift the box off the floor. 我弯腰把地上的箱子提起来。bend towards/across etc He bent towards me and whispered in my ear. 他俯过身来在我耳边低语。 →5  See picture of bow 鞠躬, bend 俯身2  [transitive]CURVE to push or press something so that it is no longer flat or straight 压弯,弄弯 You need a special tool to bend the steel. 你要用特殊的工具才能把这钢条弄弯。3  [intransitive] to become curved and no longer flat or straight 变弯曲 Several branches started bending towards the ground. 数根枝条开始向地面弯垂。4  [intransitive]BEND when a road bends, it changes direction to form a curve 〔路〕转弯 The road bends sharply to the left. 路向左急转。5. bend the truth to say something that is not completely true 歪曲事实6  bend over backwards (to do something) TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto try very hard to be helpful 竭尽全力(做某事) We bent over backwards to finish it on time. 我们拼命地干,要把它按时完成。7. bend somebody’s ear spokenTALK TO somebody to talk to someone, especially for a long time, about something that is worrying you 和某人谈心〔尤指谈令人烦恼的事〕8  on bended knee a) ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingtrying very hard to persuade someone to do something 恳求地 He begged on bended knee for another chance. 他苦苦哀求再给他一次机会。 b) BENDin a kneeling position 下跪地 He went down on bended knee and asked her to marry him. 他跪下来向她求婚。9. bend your mind/efforts to something formalATTENTION to give all your energy or attention to one activity, plan etc 集中全力于某事,专心致志于某事10. bend to somebody’s will formal to do what someone else wants, especially when you do not want to 屈服于某人的意愿 → bend the rules at rule1(1)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbend• I tried opening it with the knife but the blade bent.• He bent and kissed the child on the head.• They ordered the young women to remove their upper garments and then to bend forward until their foreheads touched the cold sand.• The metal bar bends in the middle.• The doctor says no bending or lifting for at least six weeks.• He never woke to see the shining silvery form bending over him.• The branches of the tree bent over into the water.• The road bends right then left, before passing a petrol station.• At the top of the hill, the path bends sharply left and enters a small woodland.• Someone had bent the aerial.• We had to bend the branches back so we could get through the bushes and back onto the path.• Lie on your side and bend the lower leg.• You can't bend the steel without some kind of tool.• He bent the wire into an 'S' shape.• She bent towards me and whispered in my ear.• If the Christmas tree is fresh, the needles will bend without breaking.• Relax your arms and bend your elbows slightly.bend over• My earliest memories are of my mother bending over my cot to kiss me goodnight.• Lenny bent over to pick up the coins.bend2 noun [countable]  1  BENDa curved part of something, especially a road or river 〔尤指道路或河流的〕拐弯,弯道 The car came round the bend at a terrifying speed. 那辆汽车以惊人的速度拐过弯道。bend in a sharp bend in the road 路上的一个急转弯2  BENDan action in which you bend a part of your body 〔身体的〕弯曲(动作) We started the session with a few knee bends to warm up. 我们在上课前先做了些曲膝动作来热身。3  drive somebody round the bend British English spokenCRAZY to annoy someone 惹恼某人 His attitude drives me round the bend. 他的态度把我惹恼了。4  be/go round the bend British English spokenCRAZY to be or become crazy 发疯 I sometimes feel I’m going round the bend looking after young children all day. 整天照看小孩子,我有时候觉得我都快疯了。5. the bends MIa painful and serious condition that divers get if they come up from deep water too quickly 屈肢症〔潜水员浮出水面过快造成的剧痛〕n COLLOCATIONSadjectives a sharp/tight bend (=a curve that changes direction suddenly)That road sign means you are approaching a sharp bend.a hairpin bend (=a very sharp bend in which a road changes direction, usually on a mountain)The road wound up the mountain in a series of hairpin bends.a slight/gentle/wide bend (=that changes direction slightly or gradually)Ahead of us there was a wide bend in the river.a blind bend (=that you cannot see around when you are driving)Never overtake another car on a blind bend.a left-hand/right-hand bend (=going towards the left or the right)Take the turning just after the left-hand bend in the road.verbscome around/round the bendSuddenly a motorbike came around the bend at top speed.round the bendHe rounded the bend much too fast.Examples from the Corpusbend• You go around a bend and the farm is on the right.• The creek goes around a bend by the farm.• The bus creaked slowly round the hairpin bend.• Start with a few knee bends.• He rounded a sharp bend, and suddenly the deep blue Mediterranean lay before him.• The taxi went around the bend at an alarming speed.• The plane flew low, following the bends of the river.• Nobody was in sight when he looked back from the bend in the path.• If you are known to be seeing a shrink you are deemed to be going round the bend.• As we rounded the bend, I could see the town up ahead.• The balcony overlooked a wide bend in the river.• There was a private balcony that overlooked a wide bend in the river that runs through Minsk.• Let's start with the one just posed: Why are all the best views on the worst bends?bend in• a sharp bend in the roadOrigin bend1 Old English bendanbend1 verbbend2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus move your so part to that of body




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