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单词 submissive
释义 Word family  noun submission submissiveness adjective submissive verb submit adverb submissively  sub·mis·sive /səbˈmɪsɪv/ adjective  OBEYalways willing to obey someone and never disagreeing with them, even if they are unkind to you 服从的,顺从的;恭顺的 OPP assertive In those days, women were expected to be quiet and submissive. 那时的妇女都要寡言恭顺。 —submissively adverb —submissiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussubmissive• My father was a violent, demanding man, who expected my mother to be completely submissive.• But what is required from a biblical standpoint for a wife to be considered submissive?• In general however, women were sent back to their music and their embroidery and were told to be submissive.• What is produced is a herd of predominantly submissive and passive humans who are easily managed for the benefit of their overseers.• Aware of a hex and sure of its power, the victim falls into learned helplessness and slides into submissive death.• The stereotype that foreign women are submissive is completely false.• If you constantly try to make someone happy, you end up becoming submissive, saying yes when you don't really mean it.• Some children may be submissive to this approach while others fight back and will not have their willpower broken.• After all, how much abuse must one endure to qualify as a truly submissive wife?sub·mis·sive adjectiveChineseSyllable  with them, to willing and never even obey Corpus disagreeing someone always




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