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单词 sub judice
释义  Related topics: Lawsub ju·di·ce /ˌsʌbˈdʒuːdɪsi $ -ˈdʒuːdɪsi, -ˈjuːdɪkeɪ/ adverb [only after verb]  lawSCL a legal case being considered sub judice is now being dealt with by a court, and therefore is not allowed to be publicly discussed, for example in a newspaper 〔司法案件〕在审理中,尚未裁决;〔因尚未裁决〕不准公之于众From Longman Business Dictionarysub judicesub ju‧di‧ce /ˌsʌbˈdʒuːdɪsiˌsʊb ˈjuːdɪkeɪ/ adjective, adverbLAW if a legal case is sub judice, it is now being dealt with by a court, and therefore people are not allowed to discuss it publicly, for example in newspapersThe newspaper claimed it did not know the material was sub judice.sub ju·di·ce adverbChineseSyllable  judice being considered case legal sub Business a




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