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单词 Reconstruct
1 They've decided to reconstruct this building.
2 The government must reconstruct the shattered economy.
3 Elaborate efforts were made to reconstruct what had happened.
4 The task ahead is to reconstruct the building.
5 It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.
6 Police are trying to reconstruct the sequence of events on the night of the murder.
7 They tried to reconstruct the crime from the fragmentary pieces of information.
8 She actually wanted to reconstruct the state and transform society.
9 He began to reconstruct the events of 21 December 1988, when flight 103 disappeared.
10 The police tried to reconstruct the crime using the statements of witnesses and clues that they had found.
11 They have tried to reconstruct the settlement as it would have been in Iron Age times.
12 Investigators are trying to reconstruct the circumstances of the crash.
13 In order to reconstruct these lives, the techniques of ethnography are used.
14 Resources that might have been used to reconstruct a war-torn world went instead into new armaments.
15 These empowered local authorities to clear and reconstruct unhealthy areas, with powers to purchase compulsorily and to limit compensation.
16 Kramer had several operations to reconstruct the bones in her leg.
17 Magistrates are also reported to want to reconstruct the raid using volunteers to act out the roles.
18 It is not possible to reconstruct a detailed history of Ine's reign but the indications are that he ruled with firmness.
19 The police managed to piece together the jigsaw and reconstruct the victim's last hours.
20 It is not enough to tinker at the edges; our objective must be to reconstruct the entire system.
21 We had no computer backup and had to rely on old paper files to reconstruct the records.
22 Even where documents are available, historians need a lot of imagination to reconstruct any kind of Carolingian site.
23 Stevie and I are going to put our heads together to try and reconstruct them for Midge.
24 I should like for the purposes of this inquiry to reconstruct an average evening, an ordinary evening, a typical evening.
25 After what she had gone through she knew she could not reconstruct the universe, only recapture her own lost world.
26 So a narrow vertical phosphor strip is all you need: rapid luminous sampling will reconstruct the image as it sweeps past.
27 One of her cheekbones had been crushed and the doctors were trying to reconstruct it.
28 People, especially when acting collectively, can come to break these barriers,[] overcome these constraints and reconstruct their social world.
29 This knowledge allows him to trace the development of Proustian themes and reconstruct how Proust wrote his book, step by step.
30 Their story is how they are struggling to right themselves, to reconstruct a whole country from within.
1 They've decided to reconstruct this building.
2 The government must reconstruct the shattered economy.
3 It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.
4 The police managed to piece together the jigsaw and reconstruct the victim's last hours.
5 We had no computer backup and had to rely on old paper files to reconstruct the records.
31 Perhaps some one should write her account: yes, why not reconstruct Louise Colet's Version?
32 We had been studying all of the information we had collected in an effort to reconstruct the events of that operation.
33 Towers likely will reconstruct the bullpen and add a starting pitcher.
34 Grosvenor's speeches and writings make it possible to reconstruct his political views in considerable detail.
35 Any piece of the hologram contains the same information as the whole and can reconstruct the entire image.
36 Let me try and reconstruct what she looked like that day.
37 Mechanization, with all that it involves, is certainly able to distort, destroy and reconstruct many aspects of a civilization.
38 To reconstruct his thought and rediscover its movement is as difficult as investigating his secretive life.
39 Police are trying to reconstruct the events of last Friday.
40 You don't want to have to reconstruct the site every time you add, delete or move a page.
41 It is, then, important to try to reconstruct monuments and understand them in their entirety.
42 Police are attempting to reconstruct the sequence of events on the night of the killing.
43 Relieved yet confused, I tried to reconstruct the actual event.
44 Write a noveL burn it, and then try to reconstruct it from memory. 9.
45 If you mix grey paint and grey paint together, you can't reconstruct either the original white or the original black.
46 Today they tried to reconstruct what they think might have been his movements before the disappearance.
47 He also tries to reconstruct the history of representations in a completely different way.
48 The palaeontologist is like a detective trying to reconstruct a full story from a few fragmentary clues.
49 So far as I can reconstruct events[], I was gazing at the water jug when the exchange started.
50 It makes extensive use of mock trials, simulations, and role-playing to reconstruct historical events.
51 Objective To reconstruct traumatic or hypoplastic olecranon fossa.
52 He tried to reconstruct his dreams.
53 Physical change doesn't reconstruct the cells of substance.
54 Fossils allow us to reconstruct ancient ecology.
55 At present, the free iliac bone graft was used to reconstruct the mandibular body defects.
56 However, there are two problems in the methodology used. One is that the interpretive system the author used to reconstruct Chinese history is from western,[Sentencedict] what he narrated is the history which Mr.
57 This method is a stable and approximate description. We can reconstruct signal by using alternative projection algorithm from the wavelet transform with local maximum value.
58 Objective : To reconstruct the coracoclavicular ligament with long peroneal tendon for the treatment of severe acromioclavicular dislocation.
59 If enough skull fragments are found, Mallegni will try to reconstruct Lisa's facial features, in order to see if her face matches that of the iconic painting hanging at the Louvre museum in Paris.
60 Methods:Combination of taking preputial and scrotal pedicled skin flaps respectively was carried out to reconstruct the urethra of hypospadias.
61 Lab scientists can reconstruct simple black-and-white images the subject is viewing by analyzing the blood flow in the brain's visual cortex.
62 Methods The flat "spilth" tissue on the cleft side alar, is formed as a nasal alar flap, and used to drive up or reconstruct the nostril base (sill), block up outboard foot of the cleft alar.
63 Objective To conclude the reconstruct method and therapy results of orbital hypertelorism by combined intracranial-extracranial approach in 7 cases.
64 Then it applied the distance function to reconstruct and inverse it.
65 A three-dimensional linearized elastodynamic inversion method to reconstruct the shape of scatterer has been investigated in this paper.
66 Objective To reconstruct a penis with sensation and erectile function maintained by corpora cavernosa lengthening and skin flap transferring in the penis defect cases.
67 It is a new way to utilize lung flap to reconstruct tracheal.
68 A algorithm to reconstruct the corner with quintic spline curves was proposed for improving cutter's motion stability and transition velocity.
69 Objective To reconstruct the bone defects after resection of peri- acetabular tumor with custom-made artificial pelvis.
70 RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Simulation experiments showed that the methods we proposed could get the comprehensive and efficient modeling point data, and reconstruct endocardium 3D geometry model.
71 Method: A retroauricular groove flap with pedicel was designed to reconstruct retroauricular groove.
72 He had plastic surgery to help reconstruct his badly damaged face.
73 Resolving these dilemmas needs reconstruct and extend the epistemology - base of the idea of a university.
74 Based on the twice ? waterhead reconstruct of Zhangjiakou power plant (), this paper introduces the application and development? of SCADA in this area.
75 His differentiation of language use in different periods helps to reconstruct the particularity of the writing in that particular interstice of time and space.
76 First , the army suppressed the racialist's terrorism, safeguarded the unity of America, provided a steady society for the Congress to reconstruct the South democratically.
77 Methods The submental flap was applied to repair postoperative defects and to reconstruct the laryngeal function in 16 patients suffering from hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
78 The simulation result shows that this technology can reconstruct signal and erase intersymbol interference, so that the performance of communication system is improved.
79 Conclusion:Ulnar or radial flexor muscle of wrist transfer to reconstruct supination function of forearm all can achieve good function recovery.
80 Objective To further reconstruct the new phage display vector for more effectively displaying the foreign random peptide library.
81 Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of the interventional thrombolysis combined with ESW to reconstruct osseous tissue structure in the treatment of avascular necrosis of femoral head.
82 Sequences of three different genes in 69 taxa of Amorphophallus were combined to reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of this species-rich Aroid genus.
83 A region - growing algorithm was proposed to reconstruct triangular meshes from unorganized point cloud.
84 The super-resolution image restoration can reconstruct the information over the cut-off frequency to get more details of image.
85 Labia majora skin flap is used to reconstruct the vagina.
86 Conclusion: This method is one of the ideal techniques to repair soft palate cleft and reconstruct the palatopharyngeal function.
86 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
87 Then use antitone structural analysis method to recognize and reconstruct the primary tectonic structure and sedimentary feature of a basin in certain geological history.
88 Objectives: to remove en bloc cranionasal-orbital tumors, then, reconstruct the large the defect in the anterior skull base with cranial outer table and galea aponeurotica-pericranium flap.
89 If the whole place were swept away tomorrow, Letitia Dale could reconstruct it.
90 Because of the discontinuity of the original functions in CT, how to design an accurate and efficient algorithm to reconstruct the discontinuous solution is a difficult problem.
91 Establishing, modifying and delete of model storehouse function, reconstruct and control of each decision models is fulfilled with model storehouse subsystem.
92 Present use of fossil molecules to reconstruct paleoclimate and ancient human activities has become an important part of molecular stratigraphical research.
93 The dissertation, using the semantic analysis method, interprets the meaning of Suprematism from three aspects, and at the same time tries to reconstruct its historical and cultural context.
94 The calculated field data are applied to reconstruct the contour projections of the scatterer successfully.
95 Based on this case, the gaper discusses the methods how to reconstruct the urban image in waterfront district and settle dawn the market economy and the historical leaving problems.
96 Conclusion Esophagogastric intramural anastomosis can partly reconstruct the cardial function and prevent reflux esophagitis effectively.
97 The combined platysma and sternocleidomastoid myocutaneous flap was used to reconstruct the tongue and the floor of the mouth.
98 Once he does, however, he will be able to reconstruct nearly the entire body of an A. afarensis three-year-old—and begin to understand what growing up australopithecine was all about.
99 The results showed that this method could be used to reconstruct the surgical scene in a close Euclidean space.
100 To reconstruct the 3-dimensioanal image of heart and the region of myocardial ischemia from 2-dimensioanal tomogram of electron beam CT (EBCT).
101 Methods The internal trifocal distractor was used to reconstruct the mandibular segmental defects of 4 canine model.
102 Research in the field saw scientists reconstruct the genetic code of the woolly mammoth in 2008, and our Neanderthal cousins earlier this year.
103 Conclusion: It was a feasible and new to reconstruct coracoclavicular ligament and superior acromioclavicular ligament by transposition of tendon of biceps brachii short head.
104 Methods: 98 elder patients are checked with MSCT and X ray. The cross section and each intervertebral disk section are reconstructed by MPR. Use SSD and VRT to reconstruct three-dimensional picture.
105 Quanzhou is an important harbor city during Song and Yuan dynasty,() research on its coastland and cullture heritage have an important meaning on its reconstruct.
106 A tetrahedral mesh generating method based on 2D contour series was proposed to reconstruct 3D medical geometric models of genual tissues.
107 Objective: To reconstruct a 3D vivo human knee joint model. It could be used for further kinetics and dynamics analysis of the human knee joint.
108 Objective Depending on rapid prototyping technique, an individual titanium frame based on 3D solid model was using to reconstruct the jaw.
109 Objective:To reconstruct the three-dimensional image of craniofacial part and realize virtual anatomy on internet.
110 Methods: The original skin at the web region were used to reconstruct the web space in 5 cases with congenital syndactyly including 6 sites.
111 So topologically adaptable GVF model can be used to extract, reconstruct and analyze even the most complex biological structures from medical images.
112 Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct the theory and mode of auditorial system of financial responsibility during the leader's tenure of office.
113 But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.
114 The property database, spatial database and GIS technique was used to reconstruct the distribution of oil-gas pipelines and analyze the safe reliability of oil-gas pipeline.
115 An algorithm that uses wavelet transform to quickly reconstruct image profile in low-resolution and precisely reconstruct local image is analyzed.
116 Methods:To transfer the expanded retroauricular flap to reconstruct auricles for those patients suffered with traumatic ear defects.
117 In the operation[/reconstruct.html], temporal fascia was used to repair the drum and self cortex of mastoid bone or artificial porcelain auditory ossicles were used to reconstruct the ossicular chain.
118 OBJECTIVE:To investigate the efficacy of using external layer mucoperiosteum valve of thyroid cartilage to repair the wound surface and reconstruct vocal function.
119 Philosophy of Medicine must reconstruct the publicness in the new context, then seek its own rationality back.
120 To further women's development, we must topple down patriarchy and reconstruct the International political and economic framework in the spirit of equality of the two sexes.
121 This paper was combined with theory and practice to reconstruct winder technology in overall discussion.
122 Objective:To reconstruct the laryngeal phonatory function under secondary total laryngectomy.
123 The duality of the state interest is consistent with the prediction of Carl Marx, i. e. to reconstruct the, individual ownership system on the basis o...
124 Conclusion C7 nerve transfer to repair the femoral nerve through the vascularized tibial nerve bridging in two stages could reconstruct the movement and sensation function of lower limb of paraplegia.
125 Not knowing the distance, we don't know the time-lag in the signals, and cannot reconstruct the aliens' transmission.
126 The war came to an end; many things were waiting to be done . The people had to make every effort to reconstruct their country.
127 One cannot today even reconstruct the state of mind which would render such gestures possible.
128 In another, bladder training was helpful to reconstruct the autonomic rhythm of neurogenic bladder.
129 This 2001 paper in Science used the record of carbon and oxygen isotopes in foraminifera to reconstruct the climate rhythms of the last 65 million years.
130 The strategy to these challenges is to reconstruct jurisdictional bases.
131 To avoid this flaw, you will reconstruct the rule by using Java's abstract syntax tree (AST) to identify the problems.
132 This article tried to reconstruct the contour of the reaction between modern Christianity in China and the rural society of South-Eastern China, based on the case study of Fujian Methodist Church.
133 Conclusions: It is possible to select partial pectoralis minor muscle transplantation to reconstruct thumb opposition function.
134 A new algorithm by use of quadratic polynomial is proposed to reconstruct inrush, and the corresponding sampling rate is determined.
135 A new method to reconstruct the lossy multi-layered media is presented by using a time domain signal flow graph technique.
136 A region - growing algorithm was proposed to reconstruct triangular meshes unorganized point cloud.
137 Item 3 Absorb the investors to reconstruct the old city and take up the realty development.
138 This paper tries to reconstruct the history of the Western Chinese art history by interpreting "Stylistic Analysis", "Iconology" and "Situational Analysis" applied in West-ern Chinese art history.
139 It should set right its values, perspectives and distance of criticism in order to reconstruct its critical position and restore its criticalness.
140 Conclusion:1. The grafted nigral cells can reconstruct the nervous function though integrating into host brain.
141 Conclusion It is effective to use facial tissue (skin)flaps with different blood supply pattern to repair facial defect or to reconstruct organs. The effect is definite.
142 Conclusions of ways to reconstruct the defect of hypopharynx arein different aspects and have different indications.
143 Objective To reconstruct the proteinic sequence of human cathelicidin LL-37 to increase the bactericidal activity of LL-37 and to express the reconstructed LL-37 (rLL-37) in bacterium.
144 Conclusion It is an ideal method to reconstruct leg defects with revered sural neurocutaneous flap.
145 In order to construct social atmosphere of right, we need to reconstruct legal popularization, establish case system and intensify court's ceremonial.
146 Conclusion Sleeve-resection and anastomosis end to end of cervical trachea is a good surgical method to reconstruct and restore the airway for treatment of cervical trachea lesions.
147 To reconstruct the criminal adjudicatory supervision procedure,[http:///reconstruct.html] fairness and efficiency should be laid equal stress on and the value conflicts between them should be coordinated.
148 After investigating similar systems abroad, this dissertation puts forward a proposal to reconstruct the system of labor education and rehabilitation, that is, treatments of injuria .
149 In order to properly reconstruct a signal in this manner, we would have to know the exact time-lag between the highest frequency portion and the lowest frequency portion of the signal.
150 Methods: Using the sterncleimastiod myocutaneous flap with half a piece of clavicle to reconstruct the defect.
151 MDIC dental implants were implanted in bilateral malar bone to reconstruct maxillae.
152 Finally, we use a iterative method to interpolated reconstruct the high resolution images.
153 During the Ch'ing dynasty k'ao-cheng scholars advocated a program to reconstruct missing sources from antiquity.
154 These cells reconstruct the receptors and glands with their normal spacing.
155 As far as the methods are concerned, we should introduce special ways, and reconstruct them indigenously.
156 Objective To provide anatomical evidence on nerve for the operation of using pectoralis minor muscle transplantation to reconstruct thumbopposition function.
157 Then, it is expatiated that owing to their sparseness, new kinds of matrices greatly simplify the projection operation during image reconstruct.
158 On earth astronomers use computers to reconstruct the images and display them on television screens.
159 It' s both urgently necessary and practicably feasible to revise and Reconstruct the law of marriage of our country.
160 In the postmodern existence context that stresses technical rationalism, complanation and sense, we specially need to reconstruct value rationalism and cultivate lofty spiritual ideal.
161 The algorithm can quantitatively reverse the acoustic impedance value and layered place of layered media to reconstruct the acoustic impedance profile of the layered media.
162 Human fossils unearthed there are helping to reconstruct the earliest stages of human existence.
163 Calculation results prove that using GA can well efficaciously reconstruct the information of biological tissues, such as thickness and Debye parameters.
164 This method uses digital image processing techniques to reconstruct the vector of the airplane. Then the pitching, yawing and roll angel are computed.
165 Modified coronoid process or autogenous costochondral graft was used to reconstruct their temporomandibular joint(TMJ) simultaneously after resecting tumor and condyle.
166 This coexistence is of great significance to form and perfect the new style, to reconstruct of the old style, and to promote the literary composition in rhyme in the long run.
167 Methods:Free iliac bone with a piece of fascial strip is incorporated with flap to reconstruct the deficits in medial malleolus both bone and soft tissue in one stage or by stages.
168 Objective To reconstruct the temporomandibular joint disk cartilage with tissue engineering in rabbits.
169 Experiment results validated that the proposed dynamic compensation method can improve remarkably dynamic performance of the acceleration sensor and reconstruct the impulse force with high accuracy.
170 A series of operations by a plastic surgeon helped reconstruct his scalp and redistribute his hair.
171 Historical biogeography attempts to reconstruct the biota history of the earth.
172 For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable.
173 This article want to make a bit tentative improvement, by analyzing limitations of current evaluation mechanism and index, so as to reconstruct the evaluation index of short-term debt paying ability.
174 Objective:To reconstruct middle ear structure for open mastoid antrum with external auditory canal after radical mastoidectomy in one-stage.
175 A projective silhouette based method was proposed to reconstruct the shape of little convex polyhedron.
176 The second toe pedicled with the first and second plantar metatarsal artery was taken to reconstruct the index finger.
176 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
177 The article appraises three kinds of concept and then we reflet and reconstruct to the concept of crime of China.
178 Methods 36 cases (36 eyes) of symblepharon or pseudo pterygium were treated by pericardium transplantation to reconstruct the ocular surface. The follow up time was 6-18 months (averaged 11 months).
179 Objective To investigate the methods of application of the palmar digital vein to reconstruct the blood in replantation.
180 Objective To establish new method to repair fingertip defect and reconstruct sensation.
181 Conclusions:It is a good method to reconstruct the defect of hard and soft palate with temporalis myofascial flap.
182 Different from conventional CGHs, the pure-phase information on the hologram plane is loaded on the SLM to reconstruct the 3D diffusive objects without considering the reference wave.
183 Methods Our recent approach is to reconstruct the dilated right ventricle outflow tract (RVOT) as a fibro-muscular sleeve to support a pulmonary homograft valve conduit in orthotopic position.




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