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单词 westward
释义 Word family  noun west western westerner westerly westernization adjective west westerly western westbound westernized westward verb westernize adverb west westward(s)  Related topics: Nature, Geographywest·ward /ˈwestwəd $ -wərd/ (also westwards /-wədz $ -wərdz/) adverb  DNtowards the west 向西,朝西 The ship turned westward, away from the coast. 船调转方向离开海岸,向西驶去。 —westward adjective westward flights 西行航班Examples from the Corpuswestward• Finlayson gave his wash-out signal several times, and turned westward.• Second, after 1811, the family scattered westward.• This unnerved the three countries and confirmed their instinct to look westward.• Cheap fares were available only for the westward journey, so that the disincentive to return to the East was considerable.• Then it became a problem of moving the more intrepid ones westward so that others could fill their places.• We drove westward through the night.• Dotty Harmer, a spinster and stout friend of all animals, lived some quarter of a mile westward towards Lulling Woods.west·ward adverbChineseSyllable  towards west the Corpus




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