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单词 Gaping
1. The blast blew a gaping crater in the road.
2. They stood gaping at the pig in the kitchen.
3. What are all these people gaping at?
4. The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws.
5. He stood yawning, his pyjama jacket gaping open.
6. Dan stood at the door, his shirt gaping open.
7. Blood gushed forth from the gaping wound.
8. Ahead of them was a gaping abyss.
9. She watched him, her mouth gaping open.
10. The bomb had left gaping holes in the wall.
11. The gaping wound gushed out a crimson flood.
12. What are you gaping at?
13. Their departure will leave a gaping hole in Grand Prix racing.
14. After his wife left, there was a gaping hole in his life.
15. The empty cash box lay gaping open in one corner.
16. The aircraft took off with a gaping hole in its fuselage.
17. He suffered gaping wounds to his torso.
18. They stared at the gaping hole in the wall.
19. Flies crawled over the gaping mouth of the injured man.
20. The gaping round mouth of the gun, centred squarely on his left eye.
21. Jinny saw Oz gaping in amazement and she kicked his foot.
22. Lena was transfixed by the gaping trough in the road.
23. Vicious thugs had speared him leaving a gaping wound exposing the bone.
24. Through the gaping openings between the novel's paragraphs, they are disturbingly re-inserted into the processes of history and power.
25. In the past week or so householders throughout the country have been opening their April water bills and gaping.
26. A huge, beautiful collie in his luxuriant prime, mouth gaping, tongue lolling[sentencedict .com], eyes staring lifelessly at nothing.
27. I went past one as the sounds of the seven o'clock service grew from behind the gaping shutters.
28. I stayed in the one house left standing, a guest house in a ghost town of cracked jambs and gaping doorways.
29. The spinach was in her mouth when a terrible sound came from her throat the gaping croak of nausea.
30. The pellet went right through the cat's neck and came out the other side, leaving a gaping wound.
1. The blast blew a gaping crater in the road.
2. They stood gaping at the pig in the kitchen.
3. What are all these people gaping at?
4. The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws.
5. What are you gaping at?
31. I glimpsed the spiked heads of decapitated traitors, their shredded necks, gaping mouths and straggly hair.
32. But at the time this event occurred, the gulf between intellect and faith was gaping ever wider.
33. You may have to squeeze the edges of the wound together if the sides are gaping.
34. Abruptly the full moon passed across the gaping wound in their roof and no longer shone directly into the room.
35. A fierce explosion: shards of metal flying from a large gaping wound.
36. The despairing, faithless, gaping, horrified wife looked down at her lover, and knew that he was dead.
37. All such buildings resemble huge ships, the gaping walls like spars awaiting rigging.
38. The gaping round mouth of the gun, centred squarely on his left eye. Finger tightening on trigger.
39. The cauldron was lying on the floor, its wide mouth gaping at her like a cannon.
40. Right here, in this gaping mouth, lies the end of the chain.
41. And every waking hour she chipped at the ugly block, sanded, scored, chiselled, gouged gaping eye sockets.
42. Pressure points ... To close gaping wounds, use needle and thread.
43. In terms of a public health perspective, the decision certainly rubbed salt into the tobacco industry's already gaping wounds.
44. Her eyes fell to the open fireplace, the large, gaping grate with its neat pile of sawn logs.
45. He was transfixed, suddenly stilled, gaping at the rawness of the signs and transformations.
46. Then the path turns due north to the daddy of all potholes, Gaping Gill.
47. There is now a through route underground between Gaping Gill and Ingleborough Cave but only for brave men.
48. Vertical pitches descend 250 feet to an immense cavern, second in dimensions only to the chamber in Gaping Gill.
49. There were no gaping edges, just warm, wet tracksuit legs, rapidly cooling: I'd peed myself.
50. The company formed its well-rehearsed line in front of the pageant, their scarlet purses held out like gaping mouths.
51. Behind him is the abyss, the gaping cavern of the gold mine, down and down into the earth.
52. Later in the morning the sightseers walk to and fro, gaping at the white luxury yachts.
53. But suddenly he was at the door, swaying slightly, his pyjama jacket gaping open.
54. She was gaping at him while telling herself that her mother would have told him the reason why she was here.
55. Far ahead he could see a sloping ramp that led up to a wide mouth gaping into a busy street.
56. She stood there gaping at me, too shocked to speak.
57. He talked about landslides in previous monsoons that had opened gaping chasms in the cliff behind the village.
58. The burgundy skirt was smeared with grime and buttons were missing from her gaping blouse.
59. The soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping.
60. She was gaping at it, lost for words.
61. The proprietress panicked, gaping in consternation.
62. The gaping wound gushed out with blood.
63. Despite himself he looked down again at the gaping mouth of the cadaver.
64. In the first photo there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft.
64. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
65. In spite of Ward's extensive interviews, there are some gaping holes.
66. Howls of pain issue from a gaping black orifice where its face should be.
67. A gaping hole in a trading account hurts self - esteem .
68. He was not the type to wander round gaping at everything like a tourist.
69. Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds , this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs.
70. It maximizes effective frequency sculpting without harshness or gaping holes in the audio spectrum.
71. Shin-Soo Choo came over in a trade with Cleveland and addresses Cincinnati's gaping hole at the leadoff spot.
72. By now, with the help of various counselors, I'd navel-gazed a giant gaping hole in my bellybutton(), dissecting my own personal history the way a Proust scholar had Remembrance of Things Past.
73. He looked down at the gaping void at his feet.
74. I stood staring , my mouth gaping, hoping I wasn't drooling.
75. There was no gaping dark hole that would swallow up bad people.
76. Nearby, connected by a broad gravel road, is a gaping wound in the earth, a strip mine where metal ores for construction are extracted.
77. Linton mixed a tumbler of negus, and Isabella emptied a plateful of cakes into her lap, and Edgar stood gaping at a distance.
78. To offset a gaping hole in government revenue, Mr Aso tapped a reservoir of government savings hoarded outside its general budget.
79. The banking giant has been brought to its knees by gaping on mortgage - related investments.
80. We remained for three or four minutes stationary amid the crowded throng of gaping Persians.
81. The trucks were still filing past, the people still insatiably gaping.
82. Whoever you may be, if your name is Prejudice, Abuse, Ignorance, Oppression, Iniquity, Despotism, Injustice, Fanaticism, Tyranny, beware of the gaping gamin.
83. Back up the passage he could see a crossway he had already passed, a gaping mouth in the wall.
84. And if FIFA is so inclined to be part of the solution and (for once) not part of the problem, well, this one's a ball sitting on the grass in front of a gaping goalmouth, goalie nowhere to be seen.
85. in the waters of the prehistoric Tethys ocean, a sinuous, 50-foot-long beast with gaping jaws and jagged teeth died and sank to the seafloor.
86. Conversations between top officials have included remarks underlining a gaping divide in views over Japan's wartime activities.
87. Standing shoulder - to - shoulder with him was Tseng Chiachu, gaping wide - eyed.
88. With its gaping maw, hairless body and eyes that sit high on its head, the semiaquatic hippo is one of the most distinctive members of Africa's mammalian menagerie.
89. It was a . 22 filled with soft-nosed bullets that made pinpricks going in and left insulting gaping holes when they exited from the human body.




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