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单词 scientific
释义 Word family  noun science scientist adjective scientific ≠ unscientific adverb scientifically  sci·en·tif·ic /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk◂/ ●●● S3 W2 adjective  1  [no comparative] about or relating to science, or using its methods 科学(上)的 We believe in investing in scientific research. 我们相信科学研究的投资价值。 the limits of scientific knowledge 科学知识的极限 decisions based on scientific evidence 根据科学证据作出的决定 the international scientific community (=scientists) 国际科学界2  informalORGANIZE using an organized system 精细的;系统的,有条理的 I keep accounts for the business, but I’m not scientific about it. 业务往来我留有账目,但不是很精细。3. the scientific method the usual process of finding out information in science, which involves testing your ideas by performing experiments and making decisions based on the results 科学方法 —scientifically /-kli/ adverb It hasn’t been scientifically proven, though. 不过这还没有经过科学证明。Examples from the Corpusscientific• He wanted the information to make club selection more scientific.• She was impatient, angry, and scientific.• Tell me how you write love poetry which is objective, scientific, and devoid of any personal presence.• Through their size, funding and concentration of personnel they are central scientific and technological establishments.• There is no scientific basis for such policies.• More complex annuity problems can also be programmed on nearly all business and scientific calculators rather easily.• There isn't a very scientific filing system in the office.• Councillors commended the scheme put forward by Tilhill Economic Forestry for its design and consideration for sites of archaeological and scientific interest.• scientific researchsci·en·tif·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus to its science, using or relating or about




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