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单词 scandalous
释义  scan·dal·ous /ˈskændələs/ adjective  1  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONScompletely unfair and wrong 极不公正的,令人反感的 SYN shocking a scandalous waste of public money 骇人听闻的公款浪费 scandalous behaviour 令人反感的行为2  involving stories about dishonest or immoral things that someone has done 涉及丑闻的 scandalous stories about the prime minister 有关首相的丑闻故事 —scandalously adverbExamples from the Corpusscandalous• They may find contentions such as those we have made questionable, but not surprising or scandalous.• Is there not one prominent rugby union footballer or journalist who is compelled to criticize this scandalous and absurd state of affairs?• Women who refused to speak this denigrating language were considered scandalous and uncivil; worse, they were ineffective at accomplishing anything.• scandalous behavior• But Charlie also sets out on a series of scandalous liaisons and unfortunate marriages with very young girls.• But this is totally scandalous, Stella, and you know it.• For both sides to this scandalous transaction there is a bottom line.scan·dal·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  wrong Corpus completely unfair and




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