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单词 Albert einstein
(1) The theory of relativity originates with Albert Einstein.
(2) The name of Albert Einstein is still reverenced by the scientists all over the world.
(3) But Albert Einstein has been deified by the scientific community and society at large.
(4) Albert Einstein spent the last 50 years of his life unsuccessfully trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity.
(5) Albert Einstein emigrated from Germany to the United States.
(6) Albert Einstein, fleeing Nazi Germany, moves to the US.
(7) They credited the invention to Albert Einstein.
(8) Listen and read about Albert Einstein.
(9) Albert Einstein, a outstanding physicist, died in 1955.
(10) Albert Einstein publishes Special Theory of Relativity.
(11) Theorists, including Albert Einstein(/albert einstein.html), had been analyzing the dynamics of an expanding universe even before Edwin Hubble observed it in 1929.
(12) The researchers, from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, said women were more likely than men to take supplements and the proportion taking them went up after the age of 30.
(13) Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.
(14) What do Albert Einstein, J.D. Salinger, Emily Dickinson, Vincent Van Gogh, and Susan B. Anthony have in common?
(15) Albert Einstein a goldfish , is not your ordinary pet goldfish.
(16) The German genius Albert Einstein demonstrated that mass and energy are equivalent.
(17) Albert Einstein was born in Ulm , Germany on March 14,1879.
(18) Americans built a statue in memory of Albert Einstein -- the great man of science.
(19) Siblings with a two-year spacing include Albert Einstein and sister Maja, and Lord Attenborough and younger brother David.
(20) Throughout his life, Albert Einstein displayed steely determination, single-mindedness, and dedication—all in the service of his chosen passion.
(21) Becquerel in 1839, and Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his physical explanation of it in 1921.
(22) People like Joan of Ark, Albert Einstein, Clara Barton, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Rosa Parks.
(23) It was a mystery that had eluded the intellectual efforts of Isaac Newton and teased the mind of Albert Einstein.
(24) It was first suggested by one of the world's most famous scientists, Albert Einstein, in 1907.
(25) General relativity or the general theory of relativity is the geometric theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1915.
(26) When Jean Piaget suggested that children actually think differently than adults, Albert Einstein proclaimed that the discovery was "so simple that only a genius could have thought of it."
(27) Outlined first by James Clerk Maxwell and then by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity, much of modern physics relies on the idea that nothing can travel faster than light.
(28) Contrary to long-held medical beliefs, high-salt diets may not increase the risk of death, according to investigators at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York City.
(29) The photoelectric effect was discovered by Alexandre E. Becquerel in 1839, and Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his physical explanation of it in 1921.
(30) There, in a strip mall stretching along a congested 20th Avenue, I went to look for Albert Einstein.
(1) The theory of relativity originates with Albert Einstein.
(31) Steven Hawking is the most outstanding physical scientist after Albert Einstein.
(32) Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York recently reported the latest findings.
(33) Clockwise from top left is a collage of Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein, Ernest Lawrence, Glen Seaborg, and J.
(34) This paper is devoted to how Albert Einstein set up the concept of light quantum independent of Max Von Planck.
(35) Because Albert Einstein, who I had on my wall,as a undergrad he meant so much to me, not only we both play the violin, the most brilliant mind and intelligence in the 20th century.
(36) Cohen, an associate professor of epidemiology and population health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.
(37) It was believed in the 1890s that there were just a few problems left to solve in physics: yet Albert Einstein solved three of them in 1905, and founded three new branches of physics.
(38) Hawking won the Royal Society's most prestigious prize for scientific achievement, the same medal given to Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Captain James Cook.
(39) Lloyd Fricker at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York has studied Cpe in mice but has not found a link between the gene and feeding behaviour or body weight.
(40) Albert Einstein was a German physicist best known for the theory of relativity and specifically mass energy equivalence.
(41) Albert Einstein : The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation.
(42) He was speaking ahead of the presentation of Britain's highest scientific award, the Royal Society's Copley Medal, previously granted to Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday(http://), and Albert Einstein.
(43) Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160, while Bobby Fischer, a champion chess player, is estimated to have an IQ of 187.
(44) Alfred Loomis invited the top scientists in the world to his Loomis Laboratory, including Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi and Niels Bohr.
(45) As we know, Albert Einstein is a man of intellect.
(46) Albert Einstein was a great physicist and a scientific thinker.
(47) Albert Einstein (who Redniss points out had earlier fathered an illegitimate child with a former student) had a different view.
(48) Dr. Gutterman moderated the panel at which the Albert Einstein Medical Center findings were announced.
(49) Prof Ana Cuervo, one of the researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, believes cancerous cells are using this process in order to fuel their abnormally rapidly growth.
(50) Albert Einstein had one of the great minds of last century.
(51) Albert Einstein had a criticism on Christianism 's personal God and Christ.
(52) It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. - Albert Einstein.
(53) We won the race for the atomic bomb by harnessing the genius of scientists fleeing Europe, such as the Hungarian Edward Teller, the Italian Enrico Fermi, and, of course, the German Albert Einstein.
(54) A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein"s theory of relativity, and Einstein"s relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas.
(55) Stephen Hawking was born ion the 300th anniversary of the Galileo's death. He has come to be though of as the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein.
(56) The feat, proposed by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose in 1925, could help shrink the size of electronic devices.
(57) In fact, Albert Einstein, the very poster boy of intellectualism, intensely disliked school.
(58) And a curious crowd it is: Marilyn Monroe is there, so are Karl Marx, Edgar Allan Poe, Albert Einstein, Lawrence of Arabia, Mae West, Sonny Listen, and eight Beatles.
(59) Albert Einstein had a great influence on the theories of space travel.
(60) BOB DOUGHTY: Alfred Loomis invited the top scientists in the world to his Loomis Laboratory, including Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi and Niels Bohr.
(61) You took Albert Einstein for a ride on a motorcycle?




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