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单词 Unthreatening
1. Anything to keep the conversation simple and unthreatening.
2. His capitulation has been condemned by some comfortable historians, unthreatened by a London mob and remote from Stapledon's horrifying end.
3. I can well understand that many older and less confident people feel comfortable and unthreatened in such places.
4. She handles it like a sophisticated traveller unthreatened by a new airport.
5. No Socialist bastion remained intact, no government minister or party leader unthreatened.
6. It consists of an unthreatening minority position.
7. Women relate to her because she was unthreatening and for men she had that innocence.
8. In this overheated context, playing mellifluous, unthreatening versions of soul and jazz could surprise, maybe even shock.
9. I hope this came across in calm, polite and unthreatening language.
10. And it is possible to help by a low-key, unthreatening, gradual approach, building trust over a number of months.
11. A typeface that seems almost handwritten will convey a company's people-oriented, unthreatening, low-key identity.
12. But as if to emphasise their defensive nature, the public face of the American armed forces has been a naval officer of unthreatening portliness.
13. Trying to look calm, I showed them my empty hands and desperately tried to look unthreatening.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Although Mr Zakaria strives to present the rise of China, India and "the rest" as unthreatening to the US, the inescapable conclusion is that the Bush years marked the apogee of American power.
15. To Washington defense elites, China's low-tech amphibious platforms are comfortably unthreatening.
16. So the bugs have learned to gently pluck the silk strands, to mimic only the unthreatening leg twitches of exhausted prey.
17. The young colonel's "Third Mystery of Socialism", a middle way between capitalism and communism which, in his words, solved all the contradictions of either system, seemed unthreatening enough.
18. It is very important to have this one-to-one discussion in an unthreatening situation without any distraction.
19. But the image that it would like to cultivate, as a responsible, unthreatening, emergent superpower, is constantly being undercut by two of its leaders' habits.
20. Below us, the houses stood in an ever-decreasing line, and the sea itself, in the distance, seemed provincial, unthreatening.
21. With or without campus jargon, the annoyingly unfair fact is that marriageable men tend to like women who are young, fertile and intellectually unthreatening.




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