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单词 Saracen
释义  Related topics: IslamSar·a·cen /ˈsærəsən/ noun [countable] old use  RRIa Muslim – used in the Middle Ages 萨拉森人〔中世纪时对穆斯林的称呼〕Examples from the CorpusSaracen• What a cheek ... the scrum half flattened by a Saracen.• But with an hour gone and Ulster 25-24 ahead, Saracens were gasping for air in this Heineken Cup match.• But as Saracens consistently conceded penalties, Humphreys accepted the points on offer.• The first had been during an attack by the Saracens in the Middle Ages and the second during an earthquake.• The city was fortified and was able to repel raids by pirates and a siege by the Saracens in 866-7.• He elbowed the Saracens number 8, Barry Crawley, who in turn, threw a punch which floored the Gloucester man.• Ants had to play the first quarter one player short and did well to hold the Saracens to 9-9.Origin Saracen (800-900) Late Latin Saracenus, from Late Greek SarakenosSar·a·cen nounChineseSyllable   Corpus the – in used a Muslim Middle




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