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单词 salute
释义  Related topics: Militarysa·lute1 /səˈluːt/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]PM to move your right hand to your head, especially in order to show respect to an officer in the army, navy etc (向…)行军礼,(向…)致敬 The two soldiers saluted Lieutenant Cecil. 那两名士兵向塞西尔中尉行了礼。 The men jumped to their feet and saluted. 这些人赶紧起立敬礼。2  [transitive] formalPRAISE to praise someone for the things they have achieved, especially publicly 〔尤指公开地〕赞扬,颂扬salute somebody as something James Joyce was saluted as the greatest writer of the 20th century. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯被誉为20世纪最伟大的作家。3. [transitive] old-fashionedHELLO to greet someone in a polite way, especially by moving your hand or body 〔尤用手或身体动作〕向…打招呼,向…致意→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussalute• He saluted briefly and opened the door, afraid that she might be about to cry.• Manager Kendall was prompted to salute Johnston's contribution after his latest strike.• He saluted smartly as he approached us.• He turned around and saluted the captain.• It's against their religion to salute the U.S. flag.• Prisoners file down dustless hallways in formation, saluting their keepers as they pass.• Merchants and clerks rushed out from stores, bareheaded, saluting them as they passed.• Broadly smiling, he saluted them: Susan had drawn him a few days before and made him famous.• He could feel his eyebrows declare independence-they saluted, they chopped down, they came together like two fuzzy magnets.salute somebody as something• Bush saluted Madison as "the father of our Constitution."Related topics: Militarysalute2 noun  1  [countable]PM an act of raising your right hand to your head as a sign of respect, usually done by a soldier to an officer 〔通常指士兵向军官的〕敬礼,致敬 As they left, the corporal gave them a respectful salute. 他们离开时,下士恭敬地向他们行礼。in salute The officer raised his hand in salute. 这名军官举手行礼。2  [countable, uncountable]HELLO something that expresses praise to someone for something they have achieved, or that expresses honour or respect to someone or something 颂扬;致敬,致意in salute Everyone at the table raised their glasses in salute. 桌上每个人都举杯致意。salute to His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa. 他的开场白是向南非人民致意。3  [countable]PM an occasion when guns are fired into the air in order to show respect for someone important 〔向要人致敬的〕鸣礼炮(仪式) a 21-gun salute 鸣21响礼炮Examples from the Corpussalute• Kevin raised both clasped hands in a salute to acknowledge luke-warm cheers.• State law requiring a flag salute is superseded by the First Amendment of the Constitution.• What if state law requires a daily flag salute?• Many states mandate daily flag salutes and other patriotic exercises.• Shaker gave a loose salute, and the grinning ensign tapped his forehead with a finger.• Carlson felt it unnecessary to return the customary military salute.• He flourished the bloody sword at them in a mocking salute, then trotted back to the road.• Aldo gave a slovenly salute and left.Origin salute1 (1300-1400) Latin salutare, from salus “health, safety, greeting”sa·lute1 verbsalute2 nounChineseSyllable  move hand Corpus to to right especially your head, your




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