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单词 Blue-green
1 Blue-green light spilled out from the mews's open door.
2 Chunks of blue-green stuff flaked off and scattered over the floor.
3 The blue-green office tower is in marked contrast to the traditional brick buildings that line the street.
4 From my door stretched blue-green fields dotted with trees and the colored saris of women going to work.
5 Between the cities the blue-green jungle was riven with great scars where plasma cannon and barrage bombs had been tested.
6 I mean the whole, blue-green ball of fur, fin, feathers.
7 When growing emersed, these leaves are blue-green or emerald green on stouter, fleshy stems.
8 I see the big blue-green tent, created with sterile sheets, but it mostly hides Neil.
9 The depths of that blue-green hymn to Poseidon can not be seen.
10 The tumbled surface of the sea looked blue-green, with white horses as far as the eye could see.
11 The caustic waters breed a blue-green algae called Spirulina.
12 The rest of the lake appears nearly uniform blue-green.
13 The blue-green algae that form the stromatolites helped create our present atmosphere by breaking down carbon dioxide and excreting oxygen.
14 Blue-green algae earlier this year in China Kenneth Bruland is an ocean sciences professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
15 Do blue-green algae or bacteria have free will, or is their behavior automatic and within the realm of scientific law?
16 The cell was getting lighter; bottleneck flies darted around like blue-green meteors.
17 Paul Brown reports on a problem which will cost the privatised water companies a fortune to clean up Blue-green and deadly.
18 They had sprouted from buried wood in the vegetable garden and sported livid blue-green, slimy caps.
19 The colour, as with the Scarlet Ibis, originates from blue-green algae at the lower end of the food chain.
20 The flat red path it sends toward him lies still across the heaving blue-green surface.
21 They were tall and straight, their branches covered with clusters of fine blue-green leaves shaped like needles.
22 In the dry season, the wonderfully cool river water is a stunning blue-green in the deep pools below the falls.
23 There was considerable cloud cover, but he could still detect the blue-green out-lines of the Gold Coast.
24 Both these errors were often made before and after Green. Very few found the unique blue-green colour of the lakeland hills.
25 At night these creatures are quite often an opalescent blue-green.
26 It can be warm in the yellow-green side of the color wheel and cool in the blue-green and aquamarine.
27 The train sped on; the broad fields with their blue-green border trees,[] and the villages nestling in their shade flew past in a stream of pictures which melted away like a flood of mirages.
28 Mila and Oa have requested that their one Aventurine sphere to hold all related tones of a blue-green nature in the 144 note Language of Light Scale.
29 The sweltering summer temperatures have produced an unprecedented bloom of toxic blue-green algae in western Lake Erie, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
30 We followed a sandy track with dazzling views through clumps of juniper and wild olive to the blue-green sea far below.
31 Plants and cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae), she says, "have evolved highly organized photosynthetic systems for the efficient oxidation of water."
32 In early June this year, a bloom of cyanobacteria — blue-green algae — spread across Taihu.
33 A phosphate sink, and the inevitable takeover of blue-green algae, might be reversed by adding, say, a lightning - generating appendage to the glass globe.
34 The oxygen atoms produce the blue-green hue that seems to enshroud the detailed folds and filaments.
35 Then around 3.7 billion years ago, early forms of blue-green algae began to use sunlight to make food.
36 So, with the help of a Department of Energy grant, Bayless came up with a scalable box packed with photosynthesizing cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).
37 House Manderly of White Harbor - A white merman with dark green hair, beard and tail, carrying a black trident, on a blue-green field.
38 Severe pollution over recent years resulted in frequent blue-green algae outbreaks in Chaohu Lake, China's 5th largest body of fresh water and the only drinking water source for Chaohu City.
39 In the bottom image, vegetation appears bright green, snow appears bright turquoise, and fog appears as a very pale, muted blue-green.
40 Water appears in varying shades of blue, and clouds appear in varying shades of blue-green.
41 Andrzej Bobiec passes through a blue-green glade of Scots pine, barely a mile from the Belarusian border.
42 As well threatening certain species, blue-green algae can also pose a risk to human health, and officials are advising people not to bathe in areas where the algae is visible.
43 The ultrastructure of vegetative cells of blue-green alga, Anabaena cycadae, in the coralloid root of Cycas revoluta has the general characteristics of the cyanophycean cells.
44 A method of extracting several pigments in blue-green algae of Taihu Lake including Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Phycocyain, Oscillaxanthin and Myxoxanthophyll is introduced.
45 The yellow you can see in the picture is modified at certain angles to a blue-green color.
46 For a split second, when most of the sun's globe is below the horizon, the only part showing is that blue-green sliver along the top.
47 The symbolism of blue-green and faience for creation and rebirth is evident here.
48 Only the thick blob of blue-green algae will thrive in low phosphate environment, and so over time this species tends to dominate these stable systems.
49 Scientists are experimenting with photosynthetic microbes such as algae and cyanobacteria (sometimes referred to as blue-green algae).
50 Spirulina: A blue-green algae prized by the Aztec, spirulina is 60% protein in a highly digestible form.
51 For example, I see a color I call blue-green, which to me is blue with a touch of green. Someone else may call the color green-blue, because he sees more green than I do.
52 The effects of frequency and magnetic strength on the cell viability and growth of blue-green algae Anabaena flos- aquae by pulsed electric magnetic field were studied.
53 Chinese state media say blue-green algae has appeared in another eastern Chinese lake, one week after a similar situation in a neighboring province.
54 Water is dark blue, vegetation is bright green, and clouds are pale blue-green.
55 Part of its appeal is the buffet of blue-green algae, diatoms, insects and small fish in the surrounding artificial lake and wetlands.
56 Each female digs a shallow pit in the sand, where she lays tens of thousands of tiny, blue-green eggs, usually in clusters of a few thousand.
57 The sample Fe2BP3O12 exits stronger emission in the range of blue-green light, which it may be an ideal green-emitting fluorescent material.
58 Blue-green algae is a form of aquatic plant that occurs naturally in rivers and lakes.
59 She then took to the stage, wearing a pale grey jacket and skirt decorated with blue-green flowers, and a matching grey hat.
60 The yellow you can see in the picture is modified at certain angles to a blue-green color. This can only be seen at a very narrow angle to the insect itself.
61 Reason 5: Has blue-green, rotund, and semi-crystal keys. What's more, the left and right function keys and the navigation key combined form the head of cute Mickey.
62 Never again were Mathew and Morveren seen by the people of Zennor. They had gone to live in the land of Llyr, in golden sand castles built far below the waters in a blue-green world.
63 The water ranges from black to a rich blue-green tone, its color intensified by the contrast between it and the winter white landscape around it.
64 There are glimpses of blue-green ice within the fissures, but the cracks themselves signal trouble.
65 It includes narrowband images recorded using filters sensitive to emission from oxygen atoms, shown in blue-green hues, and hydrogen atoms in red.
66 The paint is thick, almost recklessly applied, gloriously messy and richly hued from blue-green to brown to tan to yellowy white.
67 Aventurine holds the tone of compassion along with all tones that are blue-green within the Language of Light.
68 Researchers monitoring the spread of the blue-green algae said such blooms had spread over the Baltic Sea each summer for decades.
69 In this enhanced-color view, regions that appear blue-green are thought to be coated with larger grains than those that appear white or gray.




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