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单词 sagacity
释义  sa·ga·ci·ty /səˈɡæsəti/ noun [uncountable] formal  INTELLIGENTgood judgment and understanding 智慧,睿智 SYN wisdomExamples from the Corpussagacity• Jane was cheered by his sagacity and quick eye for the ridiculous - a welcome change from pompous people like the Pyglings.• When we were in difficulties his sagacity and sangfroid were beyond doubt, as was his kindliness to his colleagues.• Not that he was unconscious of his sagacity.• He was a man of great political sagacity and formidable resolution.• By acquiring an elephant's head, Ganesa also assumed the elephant's sagacity and became the patron of literature.• Perhaps with society more dominated by the old, there will be more respect for wisdom,·ga·ci·ty nounChineseSyllable  good Corpus understanding judgment and




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