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单词 mast
释义  Related topics: Water, Broadcasting, Daily lifemast /mɑːst $ mæst/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1. TTWa tall pole on which the sails or flags on a ship are hung 船桅;桅杆 →4  See picture of 见图 WRECK 12  British EnglishTCB a tall metal tower that sends out radio and television signals 〔发射无线电和电视信号的〕发射塔,天线塔 a radio mast 无线电发射塔3. DTBa tall pole on which a flag is hung 旗杆 → half-mastExamples from the Corpusmast• I wanted to jump down from a mast and land right in her, but I kept my promise to Remi.• He stood there like a mast.• In addition, mast cells in normal colon, adenoma, or carcinoma samples consistently showed strong positive staining for cytochrome P450 3A.• And, rotors are smaller than masts and sails.• When Nick proposed an improved way of setting the masts in place, Mr Ching balked at the suggestion.• On Brother and Toyota machines, just let the yarn hang between the yarn mast and the edge of the knitting.Origin mast Old English mæstmast nounChinese  which the sails on pole a Corpus tall




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