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单词 rumour
释义  ru·mour British English, rumor American English /ˈruːmə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun [countable, uncountable]  1  RUMOUR/RUMORSAYinformation or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true 谣言,传闻rumour about/of I’ve heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary. 我听说了有关他和他秘书的种种传闻。rumour that There’s an unsubstantiated rumour that Eddie is bankrupt. 有个未经证实的传言,说埃迪破产了。2  the rumour mill the people, considered as a group, who discuss something and pass rumours to each other 散布谣言的人群 His name has come up in the rumour mill as a possible director for the project. 有谣传说他可能出任这个项目的主管。 COLLOCATIONSverbsa rumour spreads 谣言传开A rumour spread that he had been killed. 有传闻说他遇害了。a rumour goes around (also a rumour circulates formal) (=a rumour is passed among people) 谣言流传There are a lot of rumors going around that they’re going to sell the company. 许多人都说他们打算把公司卖了。nNot long afterwards, ugly rumours began to circulate.rumour has it (=it is being said) 据传Rumour has it that they plan to get married. 据传他们打算结婚。nrumours fly around (=are talked about by a lot of people)There were wild rumours flying around the office on Wednesday.hear a rumour 听见传闻I heard a rumour that she was leaving. 我听到传闻说她要走了。spread a rumour 散布谣言Someone has been spreading rumours about us. 有人一直在散布关于我们的谣言。deny a rumour 否认传言nHe is denying rumors that he plans to drop out of the race.confirm a rumour (=say that it is true) 证实传言nThe actor’s agent would not confirm the rumour.adjectivesfalse/unfounded 假的/无根据的He says that the rumours are completely unfounded. 他说,这些传言毫无根据。nFalse rumors began to spread that troops were massing on the border.rumours are rife (=are talked about by a lot of people) 谣言四起Rumours were rife that the band had refused to play. 盛传那支乐队拒绝表演。a widespread rumour 流传很广的谣言The arrests followed widespread rumours of police corruption. 盛传警察腐败,之后便有多人被捕。a persistent rumour (=one that keeps being repeated for a long time) 持续的谣传Despite persistent rumours of an affair, his wife stood by him. 尽管绯闻一直流传不息,他的妻子仍然支持他。a strong rumour (=a rumour that is likely to be true) 有根据的传言nThere is a strong rumour that the government is planning to drop the idea.a wild rumour (=one that is completely untrue) 毫无根据的谣传nIt has been a week of wild rumour and exaggeration. a malicious rumour (=a false one that someone spreads to make trouble) 恶意的传言nThe claims were dismissed by the government as ‘malicious rumours’.nan ugly/nasty rumour (=a rumour about something bad)Ugly rumours persisted that there had been a unsubstantiated rumour (=one that has not been proved to be true) 未经证实的传言nThese are only unsubstantiated rumours.a scurrilous rumour formal (=a damaging and false rumour) 恶意中伤的传言nJournalists spread scurrilous rumours about the school.nwild rumours (=rumours that are not likely to be true)This led to wild rumours of American involvement in the attack.COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘a rumour spreads out’. Say a rumour spreads. 不要说 ‘a rumour spreads out’。 而要说 a rumour spreads。 THESAURUSrumour British English, rumor American English noun [countable, uncountable] information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true 谣言,传闻The band denied the rumours that they may be splitting up. 该乐队否认了他们会解散的传言。The truth finally came out after months of rumour. 传言纷扰了数月之后,真相终于水落石出。nI’ve heard rumours about a ghost in the building.speculation noun [uncountable] a situation in which a lot of people are talking about something that is happening, especially something that is happening in politics or public life, and trying to guess what the truth is 〔尤指关于政治或公众事件的〕猜测,推测There was a great deal of speculation about a possible merger involving Belgium’s largest banks. 比利时最大的几家银行有可能合并,人们对此猜测纷纷。The report fuelled speculation (=caused more speculation) that he was about to resign. 报道引起了对他即将辞职一事的更多猜测。nHis future as a player has been the subject of intense speculation.gossip noun [uncountable] things that people say about what they think has happened in other people’s private lives, which is usually not true 〔有关他人私事的〕闲言碎语She tells me all the latest gossip from the office. 她把办公室里最新的八卦新闻都对我说。The magazine was full of gossip about celebrities. 这本杂志上全是名人的花边新闻。You shouldn’t believe every piece of gossip you hear. 你不该对听到的每一句闲话都信以为真。talk noun [uncountable] something that people talk about a lot but which is not official 小道消息,传言The government has dismissed talk of a military strike on the country. 政府否认了对该国进行军事袭击的传言。There’s been a lot of talk of him resigning. 有很多传言说他要辞职。hearsay noun [uncountable] something that you have heard from someone else, but cannot prove whether it is true or untrue – often used in legal contexts 道听途说〔常用于法律语境〕All the accounts were based on hearsay rather than eye-witness reports. 所有叙述全都基于传闻,而非目击报告。hearsay evidence 传闻证据Examples from the Corpusrumour• Rumour has it that there will be major job cuts in the new year.• The possibility of penal cancellation charges in the public domain is a rumour.• I don't think he's going to resign. It's only a rumour.• Their untrained but nervous eyes, and rumour, vastly exaggerated both the ferocity and size of the advancing army.• Despite his wonderfully unattractive and humourless appearance, his exotic origins none the less gave rise to an extraordinary rumour.• You find there's nothing to it, a false rumour.• Bored dowagers with wisps snuggling on the shoulders, whispering flattery and malicious rumour in their perfectly sculpted ears.• Someone's been spreading nasty rumours about me.• The truth finally came out after months of rumour and gossip.• I report what I feel, as well as the rumour that is spreading.• The band denied the rumours that they may be splitting up.• Have you heard the rumour about him and his secretary?• If possible, track the rumour back to its origin.• What's this rumour about you and Vince Foster?• There were rumours of bombings in the northern part of the country.rumour that• There is even a rumour that a hardy blue variety will be unveiled.• It only takes a whisper of a rumour that a delivery is imminent, and cars flock to the garage.• The book just mentioned also gave rise to a rumour that Richard Baxter was about to conform.• Any truth in the rumour that Amanda's legs are going to star in a revival of Open All Hours?• There is no truth in the rumour that this tactic is being used to keep the critics at bay.• That has given momentum to the rumour that Merson and Graham clashed verbally over the player's weight on Monday.From Longman Business Dictionaryrumourru‧mour /ˈruːmə-ər/ British English, rumor American English noun [countable, uncountable] information that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be trueA spokesman denied rumours that the company was considering abandoning the U.S.·mour noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that one to is Corpus information a or person story from Business passed




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