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单词 ruffle
释义  ruf·fle1 /ˈrʌfəl/ verb [transitive]  1  (also ruffle something ↔ up)FLAT to make a smooth surface uneven 把〔平整的表面〕弄乱[弄皱],使起伏不平 He ruffled her hair affectionately. 他亲昵地拨弄她的头发。 A light wind ruffled the water. 一阵轻风吹皱了水面。2  ANNOYto offend or upset someone slightly 使有点生气,使略为不快 Louise’s sharp comments had ruffled his pride. 路易斯尖刻的话伤了他的自尊。ruffle somebody’s feathers (=offend someone) 惹恼某人,得罪某人→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusruffle• The maids in their navy-blue uniforms and white ruffled aprons took twice as long to clean his room.• They did their best to soothe the ruffled customers who were waiting for car repairs.• He was sunk back in a ruffled flowery chair.• The wind ruffled his greying hair.• Once the cuticle is ruffled, it no longer reflects light so efficiently.• The wind ruffled Jill's hair.• He ruffled my hair and hugged me close.• I don't want to ruffle my hair.• The girl yawned and rubbed the back of her head just as the wind of Jezrael's exit ruffled the yellow curls.ruffled ... hair• Nicholas leant down and ruffled his cold hair.• The wind ruffled his greying hair.• They kissed Guks and ruffled his hair.• He ruffled my hair and hugged me close.• A strong breeze ruffled Crossley's hair and made him shiver.• A breeze ruffled her hair and set hanks of wool waving on the fence-wire.• He dragged at his shirt and ruffled his hair and stamped his feet an swung his arms about.• After the first night, at the party he had danced with her three times, and ruffled her hair once.Related topics: Clothesruffle2 noun [countable]  DCCa band of thin cloth sewn in folds as a decoration around the edge of something such as a collar 〔衣领等的〕褶边,饰边;褶饰Examples from the Corpusruffle• Can you name any other dance organization in which a male dancer substitutes for a female without raising a ruffle?• An adjustment of her tight neck ruffle, and Natalie continues, looking me straight in the eye with a stern glare.• The ruffle of her nightgown followed her in a mad wake.• All these ruffles should be smoothed out after a few days.• On the mainland, the small beaches were faintly visible, the surf like a tiny ruffle of white lace.• Sam had blood on his white jacket and down the white ruffles.• They developed women's fashions-long dresses with ruffles and frills-based on that of the Southern gentry.• She was flushed and handsome after her rest, wearing something red, with ruffles round the neck.Origin ruffle1 (1300-1400) Perhaps copying the actionruf·fle1 verbruffle2 nounChineseSyllable  smooth a Corpus uneven make to surface




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