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单词 beagle
释义  Related topics: Animals, Petsbea·gle /ˈbiːɡəl/ noun [countable]  HBADHPa dog with short legs and smooth fur, sometimes used in hunting 毕格尔犬〔短腿软毛,有时用于狩猎〕Examples from the Corpusbeagle• It was about the size of a beagle.• A beagle with her intestines lying on the concrete, and lab technicians microwaving animals out of boredom.• The beagles reluctantly broke up into knots and scattered across the field.Origin beagle (1400-1500) Perhaps from Old French beegueule “noisy person”, from beer “to open wide” + gueule “throat”bea·gle nounChineseSyllable   Corpus dog with legs used a smooth short sometimes fur, and




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