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单词 rubbery
释义  rub·ber·y /ˈrʌbəri/ adjective  1  HARDlooking or feeling like rubber 橡皮似的 rubbery eggs 煮得很老的鸡蛋 rubbery lips 富有弹性的嘴唇► see thesaurus at hard2. WEAKif your legs or knees are rubbery, they feel weak or unsteady 〔腿或膝〕软弱无力的,不稳的Examples from the Corpusrubbery• The steak was a little rubbery.• The stone within can be peeled away as before - it feels rubbery and soft.• Her legs look puffed up, rubbery, but they keep moving.• Something about his rubbery features and squeaky voice trigger my cootie detector.• The white, rubbery fluid spread over the metal skin, hiding the crater from view.• And even a non- biology major could tell the rubbery item with the tentacles was obviously related to an octopus.rub·ber·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  feeling Corpus or rubber looking like




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