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- Clothes & fashion-topic garb
- Clothes & fashion-topic garb
- Clothes & fashion-topic gather
- Clothes & fashion-topic gather
- Clothes & fashion-topic gingham
- Clothes & fashion-topic gingham
- Clothes & fashion-topic gold-rimmed
- Clothes & fashion-topic gold-rimmed
- Clothes & fashion-topic granny
- Clothes & fashion-topic granny
- Clothes & fashion-topic groom
- Clothes & fashion-topic groom
- Clothes & fashion-topic habit
- Clothes & fashion-topic habit
- Clothes & fashion-topic handbag
- Clothes & fashion-topic handbag
- Clothes & fashion-topic herringbone
- Clothes & fashion-topic herringbone
- Clothes & fashion-topic knit
- Clothes & fashion-topic knit
- Clothes & fashion-topic knitwear
- Clothes & fashion-topic knitwear
- Clothes & fashion-topic line
- Clothes & fashion-topic line
- Clothes & fashion-topic lined
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- Hop it
- National Health Service
- Pretty up
- Be on vacation
- Might-have-been
- Unhealthiness
- Recombinant dna technology
- Highwater
- Strike a note
- 《史记·外戚世家第十九·褚先生曰[1]:臣为郎时[2],问习汉家故事者钟离生[3].》鉴赏
- 《史记·外戚世家第十九·钩弋夫人姓赵氏[1],河间人也[2].》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·乌孙以千匹马聘汉女,汉遣宗室女江都翁主往妻乌孙[1],乌孙王昆莫以为右夫人[2].》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·乌孙使既见汉人众富厚,归报其国,其国乃益重汉.》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·于是贰师后复行,兵多,而所至小国莫不迎,出食给军.》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·其夏,汉亡浞野之兵二万馀于匈奴[1].》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·初,贰师起敦煌西,以为人多,道上国不能食[1],乃分为数军,从南北道.》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·大宛之迹,见自张骞[1].》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·太史公》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·居匈奴中,益宽[1],骞因与其属亡乡月氏[2],西走数十日,至大宛.》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·是后天子数问骞大夏之属[1].》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·汉已伐宛,立昧蔡为宛王而去.》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·而汉使者往既多,其少从率多进熟于天子[1],言》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·自博望侯开外国道以尊贵,其后从吏卒皆争上书言外国奇怪利害,求使.》鉴赏
- 《史记·大宛列传第六十三·自博望侯骞死后,匈奴闻汉通乌孙,怒,欲击之.》鉴赏
- Granule句子
- Dissatisfaction句子
- Salve句子
- Fiftieth句子
- Fortieth句子
- Antacid句子
- Stillness句子
- Subplot句子
- Saltwater句子
- Lewis and clark expedition句子
- Salt away句子
- Thirtieth句子
- Saltiness句子
- Twenty-first句子
- Salted句子