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单词 rosy
释义  Related topics: Coloursros·y /ˈrəʊzi $ ˈroʊ-/ adjective (comparative rosier, superlative rosiest)  1  HOPEseeming to offer hope of success or happiness 充满成功希望的,美好的 a company that sees a rosy future for itself 认为业务前景一片光明的公司 Letters to relatives in Europe painted a rosy picture of life in the United States. 写给欧洲亲戚的信把美国的生活描绘得如花似锦。2  CCpink 粉红色的 the kids' rosy cheeks 孩子们红润的双颊Examples from the Corpusrosy• There will be casualties and job layoffs, and tech stocks will look less rosy.• Thanks to Douglas, her future was rosy.• Things were looking less rosy all of a sudden.• She looked like a virgin who cleaned her teeth after every meal and delighted to take great bites from rosy apples.• rosy cheeks• a rosy financial report• In fact, from then on the rest of the evening seemed to be bathed in a glorious, rosy light.• The rosy outlook for equity prices over the near-term meshes with my bullish forecast for 30-year Treasury bonds.• And that figure paints a misleadingly rosy picture.• Private economists counter that the rosy statistics hide serious problems.• The smells were wrong, and the thin rosy sunlight, and how the men seemed wrapped inside them-selves.rosy cheeks• Billy Brown had rosy cheeks, blue eyes and smiled all the time.• Carefully paint eyes, a nose, a mouth and rosy cheeks on to the pixie's face.• Her own rosy cheeks were so countrified.ros·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  happiness Corpus seeming of offer success to hope or




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