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单词 rooster
释义  Related topics: Birdsroost·er /ˈruːstə $ -ər/ noun [countable]   HBBa male chicken 公鸡 SYN British English cockExamples from the Corpusrooster• So the laundress was grateful; she had killed a rooster for him.• The editor had pushed his left sleeve up and Bernstein had seen a tattoo of a rooster.• Outside, a rooster crowed some way off, and right underneath her some one split kindling with a quick thunk thunk thunk.• The best Chianti has a black rooster on the label.• The average domestic rooster is considerably louder than other birds and is therefore the most noticeable at dawn.• A neighborhood rooster crows once and then twice and then falls silent.• Only sensation survived: being deafened by the rooster, yet finding silence unendurable.roost·er nounChineseSyllable  a chicken Corpus male




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