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单词 room
释义  Related topics: Buildingroom1 /ruːm, rʊm/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  in a building 在建筑物里 [countable]TB a part of the inside of a building that has its own walls, floor, and ceiling 房间,室 I looked around the room. 我四下看了看房间。 She nodded toward a man who was standing across the room (=on the other side of the room). 她朝站在屋子另一头的一个男人点点头。 Someone was laughing in the next room (=the one beside the one you are in). 隔壁房间有人在笑。somebody’s room (=someone’s bedroom) 某人的房间 Beth, it’s time to clean up your room. 贝丝,你该收拾你的房间了。bathroom/dining room/meeting room etc the doctor’s waiting room 医生的候诊室one-room(ed)/two-room(ed) etc a three-room apartment 有三个房间的公寓single/double room (=a room in a hotel for one person or for two) 单人/双人房间 I’d like to book a double room for two nights. 我想预订一个双人房间住两个晚上。 Here’s your key – room 348. 这是你的钥匙——348号房间。 → front room, living room, sitting room2  space 空间 [uncountable]SPACE/ROOM space somewhere for a particular thing, person, or activity 〔供某物、某人或某个活动使用的〕空间,地方room in I hope there’s going to be enough room in the fridge. 但愿冰箱里有足够的空间。room for My suitcase was so full I didn’t have room for anything else. 我的手提箱塞得满满的,没有地方再放其他东西了。room to do something The museum doesn’t have enough room to show everything in their collection. 博物馆没有足够的空间展示所有藏品。plenty of room/enough room There’s plenty of room in the boot for your luggage. 车后的行李箱有足够的空间装你的行李。 I’m trying to make room for a vegetable garden in the backyard. 我想在后院腾出地方做菜园。 Step back, leave room for people to get past. 往后退一退,让出地方给人通过。 The old wardrobe took up too much room. 旧衣橱太占地方了。leg-room/head-room (=space for your legs or head in a vehicle) 〔交通工具内的〕腿部/头部活动空间 → elbow-room at elbow1(5)3  opportunity/possibility 机会/可能性 [uncountable]CHANCE/OPPORTUNITY the chance to do something, or the possibility that something exists or can happen 机会;余地;可能性room for There’s little room for innovation. 没有多少创新的空间。room for doubt/debate/argument etc The evidence was clear, and there was little room for doubt. 证据确凿,几乎无可怀疑。room for manoeuvre British English, room for maneuver American English (=the possibility of changing what you do or decide) 回旋余地 Teachers feel they have little room for manoeuvre when the curriculum is so demanding. 课程要求这么严格,教师感到没有多少回旋余地。room to do something Children need to have room to develop their natural creativity. 儿童需要空间来发挥他们天生的创造力。 Make room in your day for exercise. 每天要留出锻炼的时间。4  there’s room for improvement IMPROVEused to say that something is not perfect and needs to be improved 有改进的余地 The report shows that there is room for improvement. 报告表明还有改进的余地。5. there’s not enough room to swing a cat used humorously to say that an area or room is not very big 〔地方或空间〕小得无法转身〔幽默用法〕6. APARTMENT 公寓rooms [plural] old-fashioned especially British EnglishHOME two or more rooms that you rent in a building, or stay in at a college 〔租住的或大学里的〕居室;寓所7  people 人们 [singular] all the people in a room 房间里的所有人 The whole room started singing ‘Happy Birthday’. 房间里的人都唱起了生日快乐歌。Examples from the Corpusroom• So grindingly horrible it could clear any room anywhere any time.• My father sits in the livingroom in front of the television, my brothers in the dining room in silence.• We can't sit there, there's not enough room.• We're on the eighth floor, room 804.• He didn't think he had room to pass the car in front.• Do you have room for this in your bag?• So she stopped off at her floor and hurried along to her room.• He played in his room with the toys, alone.• Leave room for people to get by.• I stood in our living room, surrounded by adults, my eyes squeezed closed.• There isn't any more room in the closet.• I went back to my room, trying to forget about my brother.• They had no room to spare in their car, so we had to take a taxi.• In the darkness of that room, I cried for Induk.• The library consisted of two rooms, but the only entry to the inner room was through the outer.• Amanda, can you clean up your room, please?single/double room• Is it possible for a single room to constitute an apartment?• His own family-seven strong-live in a single room in the house.• She was in a double room.• Supplements per person per night: No supplement in single rooms without private facilities.• Additional night, single room and upgrade prices are available.• We can also book twin or double rooms in nearby houses for your sole use for a £55 supplement.leave room• His record appeared flawless, yet there was an inconsistency which grated harshly, leaving room for a lot of speculation.• Thus, it leaves room for poor countries with well-distributed resources and rich countries with concentrated resource distributions.• We wedged it in place firmly, but not too tight against the lintel, leaving room for adjustment.• To his relief she wriggled across the seat, leaving room for him to get in beside her.• Digital signals can be compressed to take up less space, leaving room for additional programming.• Not impossible, but not likely either, which left room for speculation.• Why leave room for doubt or debate?Make room• Beyond Hispanic bashing! Make room for all of us!• Finish tidying beds. Make room in the greenhouse for first batches of potted roses.The whole room• And another. The whole room seemed to be filled with it.room2 ●○○ verb [intransitive] American English  1.LIVE SOMEWHEREto rent and live in a room somewhere 租住房间2 room with somebody phrasal verb SECLIVE WITH somebodyto share a room or house with someone, especially at college 〔尤指在大学里〕与…同住一室 [处] I roomed with Al at UCSD. 在加州大学圣迭戈分校的时候我和阿尔同住一个房间。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusroom• Simone tagged along in his life, sometimes rooming with him.From Longman Business Dictionaryroomroom1 /ruːm, rʊm/ noun1[countable] a part of the inside of a buildingconference room facilitiesthe college staff room → post room2[uncountable] the possibility that something might happen, or the chance to do somethingroom forThe cellular phone industry still has room for growth over the long haul.There is little room for expansion in its existing businesses.3room for improvement if there is room for improvement, something is not perfect and could or should be improved4rooms [plural]PROPERTY two or more rooms that you rent in a buildingroomroom2 verb [intransitive] American English room with somebody to share a rented room, apartment, or house with someone→ See Verb tableOrigin room1 Old English rumroom1 nounroom2 verbChinese   of building of a inside Business that Corpus the part a




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