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单词 rip
释义  Related topics: Computersrip1 /rɪp/ ●●○ S3 verb (ripped, ripping)  1  [intransitive, transitive]TEAR to tear something or be torn quickly and violently 撕,扯;被撕裂,被扯开 Her clothes had all been ripped. 她的衣服都被撕破了。 The sails ripped under the force of the wind. 船帆被狂风刮破了。 Impatiently, Sue ripped the letter open. 休急不可待地撕开信封。► see thesaurus at tear2  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]REMOVE to remove something quickly and violently, using your hands 猛力扯去rip something out/off/away/down Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper from her notebook. 吉莉从她的笔记本上撕下一页纸。 The buttons had been ripped off. 纽扣被扯掉了。3  rip something/somebody to shreds a) TEARto destroy something or damage it badly by tearing it in many places 把某物撕得粉碎 Jill’s kitten is ripping her sofa to shreds. 吉尔的小猫在把她的沙发抓得稀烂。 b) CRITICIZE informal to strongly criticize someone, or criticize their opinions, remarks, behaviour etc 严厉批评某人;抨击某人的观点[言论,行为等] I expected to have my argument ripped to shreds. 我等着别人来批驳我的论点。4. [transitive] to copy music from a CD to an MP3 player or computer 抓取〔音轨〕5  let rip informalVIOLENTEMOTIONAL to speak or behave violently or emotionally 激动地说;做出激烈的举动 Fran took a slow deep breath, then let rip, yelling and shouting at him. 弗兰慢慢地深吸了一口气,然后发起威来,冲着他又喊又叫。6  let it/her rip informal to make a car, boat etc go as fast as it can 让〔车、船等〕全速前进 Put your foot on the gas and let her rip! 踩油门,让它全速前进! PHRASAL VERBS7 rip something ↔ apart phrasal verb to tear or pull something to pieces 撕裂,撕碎 He was ripped apart by savage beasts in the forest. 他被森林里的猛兽撕得粉碎。8 rip somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb informal a) BBTEXPENSIVEto charge someone too much money for something 敲…竹杠 SYN overcharge The agency really ripped us off. 代理商狠狠敲了我们一笔。b) SCCSTEALto steal something 盗取,盗窃 Somebody had come in and ripped off the TV and stereo. 有人进来偷走了电视机和音响。c) to take words, ideas etc from someone else’s work and use them in your own work as if they were your own ideas 剽窃 SYN plagiarize → rip-off(2) on somebody/something phrasal verb American English informal to complain a lot about someone or something10 rip through something phrasal verb DESTROYto move through a place quickly and with violent force 迅猛地冲过 A wave of bombings ripped through the capital’s business district. 首都商业区遭到一连串爆炸袭击。11 rip something ↔ up phrasal verb TEARto tear something into pieces 把…撕成碎片 Sue ripped his photo up into tiny bits. 休把他的照片撕得粉碎。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrip• We both fell and I heard his shirt rip.• Tom heard his shorts rip as he climbed over the gate.• My zipper was stuck, and the material around it ripped as I pulled on it.• The hornets' nest was ripped from the branch as the strip passed by.• If you feel like writing a scathing letter and then ripping it into little pieces, do it!• He wanted to rip it out of the wall.• Stop pulling my dress! You'll rip it!• One summer she frizzed her hair and took to wearing designer ripped leans.• I ripped my skirt on a broken chair.• The impact caused my fistfuls of weed to rip off the rock with a sickening, slimy, ripping sound.• Beth excitedly ripped open the package.• You can see where the label has been ripped out.• Sometimes it thickened and pulsed with blood and felt like it was going to rip something.• Athelstan carefully ripped the canvas open with the small knife he always carried.• He grabbed his daughter's long sleeve, but she jerked away, ripping the flower-embroidered linen, towards the other table.ripped ... open• The attorney showed the rapt jury a blown-up photograph of the van, whose passenger side had been ripped open.• Then she held her breath and ripped it open.• Everything which had been kept hygienically wrapped was ripped open and thrown into the tray.• They pierced the fabric of our universe; like a gunshot that ripped open the whole of space and time.• As he cut she gave an almighty push and ripped open to her behind.• Athelstan carefully ripped the canvas open with the small knife he always carried.• But the road was unscarred; no army trucks had ripped the dirt open with their giant wheels.rip2 noun [countable]  1 TEARa long tear or cut 长的裂口[裂缝] a green leather jacket with a rip in the sleeve 袖子有一条长口子的绿色皮夹克Examples from the Corpusrip• Anne's jacket has a rip in it.• Gives it a smash, gives it a rip.• A rip in a repair worker's protective suit increases the risk of getting a shock as they work on the electricity lines.• His hands were scratched and dusty and there were small rips in his sweater.• The rips in the boat's old sails had been patched again and again.Related topics: DeathRIP /ˌɑːr aɪ ˈpiː/  1.MXthe abbreviation of Rest in Peace, written on a gravestone / Rest in Peace 的缩写 ,安息〔墓碑用语〕From Longman Business Dictionaryriprip /rɪp/ verb (ripped, ripping) → rip somebody → off→ See Verb tableOrigin rip1 (1300-1400) Probably from Flemish rippen “to tear off roughly”rip1 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1rip2 nounRIPLDOCE OnlineChinese  be to torn tear quickly something and or Corpus Business




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