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单词 rid
释义  rid1 /rɪd/ ●●○ S3 adjective  1  get rid of somebody/something a) THROW AWAYto throw away or destroy something you do not want anymore 丢弃某物;毁掉某物 It’s time we got rid of all these old toys. 我们该把这些旧玩具全部丢掉了。 Governments should be encouraged to get rid of all nuclear weapons. 应该鼓励各国政府销毁所有核武器。 b) GET RID OFto take action so that you no longer have something unpleasant that you do not want 摆脱某物,除去某物 I can’t get rid of this cough. 我咳嗽老是不好。 He opened the windows to get rid of the smell. 他打开窗户把气味散出去。 c) GET RID OFto make someone leave because you do not like them or because they are causing problems 赶走某人 Are you trying to get rid of me? 你是想赶我走吗? It can be difficult for schools to get rid of poor teachers. 解聘不称职的老师对学校来说会很难。2  be rid of somebody/something GET RID OFto have taken action so that something or someone is no longer there to worry or annoy you 摆脱某人/某事物 The clerical part of his job was tedious, and he was glad to be rid of it. 他负责的文书工作部分枯燥乏味,他很高兴摆脱了这项差事。 He was a bully, and we’re well rid of him (=it is good that he has gone). 他是个恶霸,他走了我们觉得是件好事。3  want rid of somebody/something to want to get rid of someone or something that is annoying you 想摆脱某人/某事物 I could tell that he wanted rid of me. 我看得出来他想摆脱我。rid2 verb (rid, ridding)  1 rid somebody/something of something phrasal verb written REMOVEto take action so that a person, place etc is no longer affected by something bad or no longer has it 使摆脱;使除掉 → overcome a promise to rid the country of nuclear weapons 销毁本国核武器的承诺 Will science finally rid us of this disease? 科学最终会使我们摆脱这种疾病吗?rid yourself of something He struggled to rid himself of his fears. 他拼命克服恐惧。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrid• He had ridden to her rescue like a knight on a white charger and now he was insulting her.• Raving Red Sam had ridden a motor-bike once, she remembered, a job that had been much admired by the boys.• The penny farthing made its first appearance in 1870 and was ridden round the world in 1884.• The young Lieutenant had ridden on to the blade, and Sharpe had felt nothing.• Your job is to clear up, first to saw those branches up, to rid all major branches of smaller branches.• With a microwave, he calculates, we could get rid of our cook.Origin rid2 (1100-1200) Old Norse rythja “to clear land”rid1 adjectiverid2 verbChinese  throw do or you destroy away Corpus not something to




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