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单词 rich
释义 Word family  noun riches richness enrichment the rich adjective rich enriched verb enrich adverb richly  Related topics: Odours, Colours, Colours & soundsrich /rɪtʃ/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective (comparative richer, superlative richest)  1  wealthy 富有的 a) RICHsomeone who is rich has a lot of money and valuable possessions 有钱的,富有的 OPP poor one of the richest women in America 美国最富有的女人之一 She found herself a rich husband. 她找了一个有钱的丈夫。 He thought this was the easiest way to get rich. 他以为这是最容易的致富办法。 the rich nations of the world 世界上富有的国家fabulously rich British English She was both beautiful and fabulously rich. 她不仅漂亮,而且极其富有。 His brother’s stinking rich (=very rich, in a way that you do not approve of). 他哥哥富得流油。 b) the richRICH [plural] people who are rich 富人 houses belonging to the rich and famous 属于富翁和名流的房子n RegisterIn written English, people sometimes prefer to use affluent rather than rich, because it sounds more formal:In affluent societies the definition of poverty is relative.2  large amount 大量LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT containing a lot of something 富含…的rich in Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. 柑橘类水果富含维生素C。oxygen-rich/nutrient-rich/protein-rich etc Pregnant women should eat protein-rich foods. 孕妇应该吃富含蛋白质的食物。 Rich mineral deposits have been found in the sea bed. 海底发现有丰富的矿床。 Red meat is a rich source of iron. 红肉含有大量铁质。3  full of interest 非常有趣的INTERESTING full of interesting or important facts, events, or ideas 丰富多彩的 the rich literary tradition of England 英格兰深厚的文学传统 The area has a very rich history. 这个地区有非常灿烂的历史。rich in a story that was rich in detail 有大量细节描写的故事4  food 食物STRONG TASTE OR SMELL rich food contains a lot of butter, cream, or eggs, which make you feel full very quickly 〔因含大量牛油、奶油或鸡蛋而〕容易让人感到饱的,油腻的 OPP light a rich fruit cake 油腻的水果蛋糕 The sauce was very rich. 调味汁很浓。5  smell/flavour 气味/味道CO a rich smell or flavour is strong and pleasant 浓郁的 the rich scent of the pine trees 松树的浓郁香气 meat with a wonderfully rich flavour 味道香浓的肉 a rich, fruity wine 带浓郁果香的葡萄酒6  colour 颜色CC a rich colour is strong and attractive 〔色彩〕浓艳的,浓重的 a rich dark brown colour 浓重的深棕色► see thesaurus at colour7  sound 声音CLOW SOUND OR VOICE a rich sound is low and pleasant 低沉浑厚的 the rich tone of a cello 大提琴的浑厚音色 He laughed with a rich, throaty chuckle. 他轻声笑了笑,声音浑厚低沉。8  soil 土壤TAS rich soil is good for growing plants in 肥沃的,富饶的 OPP poor Vegetables grow well in the rich, black soil. 蔬菜在肥沃的黑土地里长得好。9  cloth 布匹EXPENSIVE rich cloth is expensive and beautiful 昂贵的,华丽的 She stroked the rich velvet of the dress enviously. 她羡慕地抚摸着裙子那华贵的天鹅绒。10  that’s rich (coming from him/you etc) British English spokenUNFAIR used to say that what someone has said is unreasonable and that they are criticizing you for doing something that they do themselves (他/你等这么说)实在可笑[荒谬] He accused me of being dishonest, which was a bit rich coming from him. 他说我不诚实,这话从他嘴里说出来真是有点可笑。n COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery richHe is a very rich man.extremely richHe came from an extremely rich Viennese family.immensely rich (=extremely rich)He was immensely rich and owned two yachts.fabulously rich (=extremely rich)She must have been fabulously rich to live in a house like this.seriously rich (=very rich)They stand to become seriously rich if the venture succeeds.stinking/filthy rich disapproving (=very rich)She was obviously stinking rich.verbsget richThey just wanted to get rich.get rich quick schemesbecome richOver the years, he became enormously rich.grow rich (=become rich)They have grown rich by selling this technology to other companies. make somebody richThe trade in tea made the British rich.phrasesthe new rich disapproving (=people who have recently become rich and spend a lot of money)For Russia's new rich, life is a candy store. THESAURUSrich having a lot of money – used about people and places 〔人或地方〕富有的She married a rich Greek shipowner. 她嫁了个有钱的希腊船主。one of the world’s richest nations 世界最富有的国家之一wealthy rich – used about people and places, especially when they have been rich for a long time 〔人或地方〕富有的〔尤指长久以来都很富有〕wealthy landowners 富有的地主Orange County is a very wealthy area. 奥兰治县是个很富有的地区。na wealthy Arab businessmanaffluent formal rich – used about societies, groups of people, or areas where people live, where people have nice houses and a lot of expensive possessions 〔社会、群体或地区〕富有的today’s affluent society 当今的富裕社会affluent young professionals 富有的年轻专业人士an affluent suburb of Boston 富裕的波士顿郊区prosperous formal rich – used about places and groups of people, especially when their money is related to success in business 〔地方或社会群体〕富足的,兴旺的Sales have grown fastest in the more prosperous areas of the south. 在南方更为富足的地区,销量增长最快。prosperous merchants and bankers 富裕的商人和银行家well-off fairly rich compared to other people, so that you can live very comfortably 有钱的,优裕的Her parents are pretty well-off. 她的父母很有钱。nchildren from well-off familieswell-to-do written rich – used especially in the past about families and people who had a fairly high position in society 〔旧时尤指社会地位较高的家庭和人〕富裕的Only well-to-do families could afford to send their children to university. 只有富裕家庭才有钱送子女上大学。nThe Westons were now well-to-do and there was no necessity for work.privileged having special advantages because your family have a lot of money and a high position in society 有特权的He comes from a privileged background. 他出身于特权阶层。The sport was only played by a privileged few. 涉足这项运动的只有少数特权人物。comfortably off [not before noun] having enough money to have a nice life without having to worry about money 〔生活〕宽裕的I wouldn’t say that we were rich – just comfortably off. 不能说我们有钱——只是小康罢了。be rolling in it/be loaded informal to be extremely rich 有很多钱They’ve got two houses and a boat – they must be rolling in it. 他们有两栋房子和一条船——肯定有的是钱。nHer books were so successful that she’s loaded now.COLLOCATIONS CHECKwealthy person/family/areaaffluent society/area/family/lifestyleprosperous area/economy/middle classwell-to-do familyprivileged person/background/few/eliteExamples from the Corpusrich• It is not the very poor and it is not the very rich.• Her new boyfriend is very good-looking and very rich.• Esmeralda was the rich and beautiful daughter of Count Calafato.• Why go further, especially if it will benefit only the rich at the expense of everyone else?• He sang in a deep, rich baritone.• The horse had a rich chestnut coat.• a rich chocolate cake• I admired the warm, rich colors of her Persian rugs.• Envy of the rich could no longer masquerade as love of the poor.• The richer empirical studies, however, have indicated that there are different dimensions of political participation.• Rich golds and elegant silvers are the colors for this season.• Palaces and rich houses all over town are echoing emptily now.• Spinach is rich in iron and very good for you.• The land in this area is rich in minerals and ideal for growing crops.• Prudence was rich, it began.• Her ambition was to marry a rich man.• Gates is one of the world's richest men.• Every year "Fortune" magazine publishes a list of the 100 richest people in America.• The meat was browned to perfection and topped with a rich sauce.• The hot sun drew a rich scent from the honeysuckle vines.• And the sporty model, with its bigger tires, felt better in highway twists and turns than its richer sibling.• She had a wonderful deep, rich singing voice.• Carnations require sun, rich soil, and even watering.• Potato plants are easy to grow and do not require rich soil.• His guitar produces a warm, rich sound.• The lead actor's rich voice claimed the attention of the audience.• He spoke in a strong, rich source• Tea is a rich source of antioxidants and may form part of a healthy diet.• Frequently overlooked is the rich source of data already available in office files.• Potatoes are a rich source of fat-free complex carbohydrates.• It is thought that biology is the richest source of ideas for scientific as well as poetic creativity.• For example, the U. S. Census data, a rich source of information about families, is not online.• Dreams, of course, are a rich source of inspiration and guidance, as well as excellent training in thinking in metaphor.• In this way, a potentially rich source of knowledge - communication of ideas among students - tends to be stifled.• Leaves are a rich source of vitamin C and the vitamin is particularly concentrated within chloroplasts, the organelles of photosynthesis.Origin rich Old English ricerich adjective →n REGISTER1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  someone a rich Corpus is has who lot




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