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单词 mistook
释义  mis·took /məˈstʊk/ verb  x-refthe past tense of mistake mistake的过去式Examples from the Corpusmistook• Thus, falling into the technocrats' natural sin, it mistook administrative device for organic substance.• For it mistook Darren and Michelle Fryer for a giant heating boiler.• But he escaped last night, and mistook Gay for some one else.• At first he mistook her yells for laughter.• One night she heard an ambulance approach the hospital and mistook it for a fire engine.• An old woman who was lying on her side mistook me for a doctor, and called me to sit by her.• He was a very private man and some mistook this for aloofness.mis·took verbChineseSyllable  mistake the Corpus of past tense




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