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单词 retrofit
释义  ret·ro·fit /ˈretrəʊfɪt $ -troʊ-/ verb (retrofitted, retrofitting) [transitive]  to improve a machine, piece of equipment, building etc by putting new and better parts in it after it has been used for some time 〔给机器、设备〕安装〔新部件〕;对…进行翻新改良 plans to retrofit oil boilers 翻新改进燃油锅炉的计划 —retrofit noun [countable] —retrofitting noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusretrofit• Some manufacturers are already offering to retrofit old models with catalytic converters.• The latest build is air-conditioned, and following the final deliveries Adtranz is to retrofit the earlier cars with full air-conditioning.ret·ro·fit verbChineseSyllable  improve equipment, of piece a machine, Corpus to




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