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单词 retouch
释义  Related topics: Painting and drawing, Photographyre·touch /ˌriːˈtʌtʃ/ verb [transitive]  AVPTCPto improve a picture or photograph by painting over marks or making other small changes 修描,润色〔图画或照片〕 → airbrush postcards that have been retouched to cover the grey skies 经过修饰把灰色天空掩盖起来的明信片→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusretouch• Nevertheless, it was the subsequent interference and attempts to retouch it that damaged Joni's work beyond repair.• All the pictures were heavily retouched so he would look younger.• You might get a slight off-set on to the blotters and you may have to retouch some·touch verbChineseSyllable  or painting improve picture to Corpus photograph marks a over by




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