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单词 projection
释义  Related topics: Film, Geographypro·jec·tion /prəˈdʒekʃən/ ●○○ AWL noun  1  calculation 计算 [countable]COUNT/CALCULATE a statement or calculation about what something will be in the future or was in the past, based on information available now 〔对于未来情况的〕预测;〔对过去的〕估算projection of projections of declining natural gas production 对呈下降趋势的天然气产量的预测projection for population projections for the next 25 years 对未来25年的人口预测 He declined to make projections about fourth quarter earnings. 他拒绝估算第四季度的收入。 Early projections show a three-point lead for the Socialists. 早期的预测表明社会党人领先三个百分点。2  STH sticking out 凸出的某物 [countable] formalSTICK OUT something that sticks out from a surface 凸出物 small projections of weathered rock on the hillside 山坡上许多凸出的小块风化岩石3  film 电影 [uncountable]AMF the act of projecting a film or picture onto a screen 〔幻灯片的〕投射,投影;〔电影的〕放映 projection equipment 投影设备4. feeling 感情 [uncountable] technicalIMAGINE the act of imagining that someone else is feeling the same emotions as you 投射〔想象别人与自己有同样的感受〕5  picture 图 [countable] technicalAVD a representation of something solid on a flat surface 投影图 a map projection 投影地图6  imagined qualities 想象出来的特性 [countable] something that you imagine to have particular qualities because of your wishes or feelings 体现,形象化projection of The Devil is a projection of our fears and insecurities. 魔鬼是我们自身恐惧和不安全感的主观体现。 → Mercator projectionExamples from the Corpusprojection• These figures are in no way a projection of the likely maturity benefits.• The statistical, financial and projection skills of actuaries are of particular relevance to this work.• The city's sales-tax revenues are running $800,000 below projections.• Of course, your budget and your yearly cashflow projection may be totally different to the above examples.• Though White House economic projections have proven relatively accurate the last four years, they are less conservative than congressional economic projections.• Includes discussion of how official household projections might be developed in the light of such evidence.• Olympic medal projections based on world rankings are grim.• The tires have short metal projections to improve traction on snow and ice.• next year's sales projections• First Bank officials, however, contend they will find other means to bolster earnings and maintain their projections.• It will take anywhere from 12 to 18 months for the lake to fill, according to projections.make projections• But the point is not to make projections that are 100 percent accurate.From Longman Business Dictionaryprojectionpro‧jec‧tion /prəˈdʒekʃən/ noun [countable] a statement or calculation about what you think will happen in the future, based on the information that you have available nowthe latest projections for growth in US GDPHow do scientists make projections about future climate change?The company revised its projection downward (=changed its opinion to make it less hopeful).pro·jec·tion nounChineseSyllable   statement will Business calculation about or what a something Corpus




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