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单词 retail therapy
释义  ˈretail ˌtherapy noun [uncountable]  the act of buying things that you do not need when you are unhappy because you think it will make you feel better – often used humorously 购物疗法〔指通过购物使心情愉快,常为幽默用法〕 → shopaholic What you need is a bit of retail therapy! 你需要来一点购物疗法!Examples from the Corpusretail therapy• But now she lacks the credit for this retail therapy.From Longman Business Dictionaryretail therapyˌretail ˈtherapy noun [uncountable] when people go shopping in order to feel better, rather than because they really need to buy things, often used humorouslyˈretail ˌtherapy nounChineseSyllable  of you the things buying Business act Corpus do that




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