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单词 Hitherto
1. A hitherto unthinkable question was asked.
2. Mira revealed hitherto unsuspected talents on the cricket pitch.
3. Her life hitherto had been devoid of adventure.
4. Hitherto he had experienced no great success in his attempt.
5. There are proposals to phrase out the hitherto separate Department of Economic Geography.
6. The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money.
7. He was sentenced to a hitherto unheard-of seven life terms in prison.
8. French astronomers have found a hitherto unknown galaxy.
9. Budragchaagiyn Dash-Yondon, hitherto party chair, was elected as secretary-general.
10. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply.
11. Edenderry, hitherto a small village in the parish of Seagoe, became officially part of Portadown in 1840.
12. As such, it has not hitherto constituted a particularly significant form of protest either numerically or politically.
13. Moreover by the 1750s the provincial parlements, hitherto relatively inactive, were increasingly following the lead of that of Paris.
14. But the wealthy businessmen who hitherto have been his best customers are counting their change these days.
15. Their refusal to acknowledge the hitherto unfair rating of widows, widowers and single people.
16. Hitherto the instrumental approach to law has been criticized as inadequate to provide a coherent explanation for contradictory tendencies in legal developments.
17. Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. 
18. With the new equipment we will be able to accomplish hitherto impossible tasks.
19. She discovered a world of parties and pleasure she had hitherto only known by hearsay.
20. I was no longer satisfied with the life that had hitherto contented me.
21. The Commission expresses its anxiety that the proposed syllabus in the revised music curriculum allows less time than hitherto for choral music.
22. The creation of these two kingdoms seems quite anomalous at the earlier conquest phase, as has hitherto been assumed.
23. But in terms of actual control, we have forsworn many other areas where hitherto we sought to control by centralized edict.
24. Desiderius responded to the Pope by raising an army and seizing Sinigaglia and Urbino, hitherto papal cities.
25. Not long afterwards, I shut down my account and transferred the business to another hitherto dormant account.
26. Adjustment to their customers' needs compelled them to establish an international presence that had hitherto been unnecessary.
27. Certainly the change in legislation is unlikely to provoke a sudden rush of hitherto tied farm workers from the industry.
28. On a far more extensive scale than we have done hitherto, we must help refugees in their own and neighbouring countries.
29. Ceremonial and precedence notably lost most of the power to agitate rulers and governments which they had hitherto possessed.
30. As capital has become more powerful, it has also sought to dissolve other local monopolies that have hitherto been immune.
1. She discovered a world of parties and pleasure she had hitherto only known by hearsay.
2. Hitherto he had experienced no great success in his attempt.
31. She believes the mistake psychoanalysis has made hitherto is aiming to shore up a kind of finished and defined ego.
32. Such a conception allows for a greater fluidity between the two modes than has hitherto been found acceptable.
33. The sector with which we are here concerned was thus an exceptional breach in a hitherto all-male part of the labour market.
34. For instance, in western societies women have become economically more important than hitherto.
35. The research has already revealed some interesting facts about Rembrandt which have hitherto been overlooked.
36. It now remains to ask whether there is any significance in this hitherto unknown fact.
37. The environment has hitherto been a fief of the interior ministry.
38. Most important, although hitherto unmentioned, are the possible effects of flooding or otherwise downstream of the flood relief area.
39. A fourth gallery hitherto not previously in these columns is Gisela Capitain, at Apostelnstrasse 19.
40. Li Jing, hitherto deputy commander of the navy, was appointed as his deputy.
41. Further legislation followed, which could more reasonably be said to have united the hitherto disparate regimes of legacy and trust.
42. But Brindley's canal from the coal-mines at Worsley to Manchester had several features hitherto unknown.
43. We are amid corruption of a hitherto unknown scale but not without some precedent.
44. So Mrs Thatcher, demonstrating hitherto unsuspected social graces, decided to step into the breach herself.
45. In order to ingratiate himself with the populace, he rebuilt the Temple of Jerusalem on a hitherto unprecedented scale.
46. Recently a hitherto unknown phenomenon has appeared in Illela: property speculation.
47. Global warming requires an ethical framework that classifies hitherto innocent actions as deadly.
48. Peter Boross, hitherto Minister without portfolio, replaced him as Interior Minister.
49. But about a year ago she had begun to remember incidents which she must hitherto have blocked from her mind.
50. However, the Colorados' Batllismo Radical faction, which hitherto had had one representative in the Cabinet pulled out of the coalition.
51. This meant seeking out even more diverse wines from hitherto unknown sources, which further taxed the new-found art of blending.
52. It brings us into touch with levels of ourself untouched hitherto, and so it has a profound esoteric significance.
53. He exploited a temporary lull in affairs to extract more concessions from the Romans than had hitherto been possible.
54. The defiance of the coroner at last brought the legal issue into the open in a way which had hitherto been avoided.
55. It is not a political issue about women sharing a function hitherto assigned to men.
56. What could be more postmodern than probing the hitherto sacrosanct inner workings of science?
57. The government on June 13 revealed the exact levels of defence spending, which had hitherto been secret.
58. It would probably unleash another burst of investment as firms took advantage of opportunities which had hitherto been regarded as too risky.
59. It is less the revolving door that the temptation placed in the paths of hitherto ethical men and women that he criticises.
60. I believe that the linkages to the meteorological stations have operated more effectively than hitherto.
61. Hitherto this has led to some allegations in the Press about Whitehall obscurantism but little interest or pressure in Parliament itself.
62. His father's brother, Gloucester had hitherto been loyal to a fault.
63. They have hitherto been the most generally used in clinical trials.
64. For this reason, if no other, the question of censorship in libraries has to be treated more seriously than hitherto.
65. The coming of war in 1914 quickly gave new impetus to the hitherto rather limited and amateurish propaganda efforts of governments.
66. Efforts at improving oral rehydration solutions have hitherto focused on the role of various substances in improving small bowel absorption.
67. Hitherto the work in schools, as in other sectors, has concentrated on the retrieval of information.
68. Isabel trembled, half afraid, half shocked, at such shameless, hitherto unknown longings.
69. Behind the honeysuckle and the hollyhocks there was revealed a life of hitherto unimagined degradation.
70. Remaining tenants were more secure than hitherto. Absentee landlords and large concentrations of landholdings were virtually eliminated.
71. He just had to adjust to the wide outside and Bones's new top gear, hitherto unsuspected.
72. High altitude radar mapping has also helped reveal a hitherto undocumented people in Costa Rica.
73. They abolished the special status of man as hitherto conceived.
74. We cease trying vainly to understand the secrets of the Universe as we have hitherto tried to do.
75. Hitherto they had deliberately promoted internally, which served to reinforce the already strong personal loyalty.
76. No details are given of this hitherto unknown organisation, but the platform put forward by the paper looks like pure Thatcherism.
77. To do this use will be made of the hitherto underused personal accounts of everyday life from the Mass Observation Archive.
78. Commentators are a maligned lot and deserve some credit for disseminating enthusiasm for sport on a hitherto unimagined scale.
79. Hitherto, the Golan leaders have been reluctant to join forces with the 120,000 West Bank settlers in the struggle against withdrawal.
80. This has uncovered some interesting findings - for instance the hitherto unknown demand for 3.3V chips from desktop system designers.
81. The line that the Inland Revenue has hitherto drawn between investment and trading has been exasperatingly unclear.
82. Her young men hitherto had been in the City, or in advertising, chartered accountancy, or even television.
83. Although Britain had long had trading connections with these areas, hitherto she had had no territorial ambitions there.
84. Nothing quite like it had been seen on the Allied side hitherto.
85. Dissent, hitherto confined to a number of intellectuals, became a mass phenomenon with the Protestant Church playing a leading role.
86. Hitherto defacto president in his capacity as Supreme Soviet Chair, he defeated one other candidate.
87. A decline in activity may now come about if both accord the region less strategic value than they have given it hitherto.
88. Hitherto, Czechoslovakia had not even allowed its physicians to receive substantial donations of professional literature from the West.
89. The weather is glorious, so we trot through the suburban roads and leafy lanes, and find a hitherto undiscovered park.
90. The function of the library as a repository of archival documents had not been clearly recognised hitherto.
91. Hitherto, she'd thought of him as a friend; a kind friend, far above her station.
92. It is also necessary specifically to select veined material for study, hitherto not a regular practise in traditional carbonate petrography.
93. It was favourably received and I felt that I had done my hitherto neglected ancestor proud.
94. These may include multiple or shared house ownership, a hitherto under- researched issue.
95. All Arbitrators should not have been hitherto involved in the disciplinary process or hearing.
96. It is received with fear; for it threatens that comforting security and certainty which hitherto have shaped our actions.
97. This deal was subsequently accepted in the other regions, which had hitherto failed to reach settlements.
98. Fen was much taller and broader and his swarthy colouring was not something that had appealed to her hitherto.
99. Thus, it has hitherto been appropriate for the professional partnership where limited liability is forbidden.
100. The hitherto coherent and uniform line was missing.
101. Hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm.
102. Hitherto I have gone on vague lines.
103. a hitherto unknown species of moth.
104. I realized this design would constitute a hitherto unstudied class of wheeled mobile robots.
105. After the Opium War of 1840, China, hitherto a big feudal kingdom, was gradually turned into a semi-colonial, semi-feudal country.
106. Their emergence brought undreamed - of prosperity; but also carnage on a scale hitherto unimaginable.
107. Hitherto Barchester had escaped the taint of any extreme rigour of church doctrine.
108. However, another fascinating question, hitherto absent from the current palaver, may prove more tractable.
109. Doctor Percival had struck him hitherto as a very genial man.
110. The supply of cheap medicines was possible only because Indian law hitherto had no product patent constraints.
111. This latter way is the true one, but hitherto untried.
112. The best theory available is Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, which has passed all experimental tests hitherto.
113. I am commencing an undertaking, hitherto without precedent and which will never find an imitator.
114. See how the peasants who hitherto detested the schools are today zealously setting up evening classes!
115. So it is with many souls who indolently live on the outer edge of their own natures until great thunderstorms of sorrow reveal hidden depths within that were never hitherto suspected.
116. It'seeks regions hitherto unexplored.
117. Stock Dividend A dividend paid to shareholders in the form of authorized but hitherto ...
118. The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modem China.
119. Increasingly, as these small and middle-sized fish run out, smaller and hitherto commercially worthless ones are scooped up in fine-meshed nets.
120. Hitherto, the explanation for this shift from the smaller skulls and wider pelvises of man's apelike ancestors has been a shift from a vegetable-based diet to a meat-based one.
121. Often the beloved is only a stimulus for all the stored-up love which has lain quiet within the lover for a long time hitherto.
122. The work fills ( in ) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.
123. Madame Merle, as we know, had been very discreet hitherto ; she had never criticized.
124. She possessed affections, too, though hitherto acrid and disagreeable , as the richest flavors of unripe fruit.
125. She remained the same officious and imaginative Mrs. Penniman, that we have hitherto known.
126. The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modern China.
127. The Linnaean Society had hitherto declared unequivocally that green and black tea were siblings or cousins, closely related but under no circumstances twins.
128. Hitherto the withering flowers can't withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.
129. Hitherto, Malaysian companies have had a remarkable record of picking duds when they buy foreign firms.
130. One way to grow is by developing hitherto unexploited land. Another is to accumulate physical capital: roads, factories, telephone networks.
131. Hitherto he kept his word with me , and offered me nothing amiss.
132. The intermetallic compound between tin and cobalt have better property than the hitherto alternative with cupfer-UBM.
133. All Utopias that have hitherto been constructed are intolerably dull.
134. Hitherto I had had no confederates nor any acquaintance among that tribe.
135. Hitherto it was assumed that the main way carbon gets from the top to the bottom of the ocean was as part of dead planktonic algae sinking to the seabed.
136. I profess, Sir, in my career hitherto , to have kept steadily in view the prosperity and honor of the whole country, and the preservation of our Federal Union.
137. You think all existence lapses in as quiet a flow as that in which your youth has hitherto sild away.
138. Hitherto,() Lenz Moser had been using an immersion rinser with a sulphureous water bath.
139. The excitement of these last manoeuvres had somewhat interfered with the watch I had kept hitherto, sharply enough upon the coxswain .
140. Congress's arrogated powers over domains hitherto belonging to the states.
141. China's SD-10 beyond visual range air-to-air missile (AAM) may be a considerably more capable weapon than has hitherto been believed.
142. We must consider what conception of electricity had been formed hitherto.
143. Strict liability is the reason why nobody has hitherto contemplated large-scale digitisation: the potential financial hazards are too unpredictable.
144. The supply of cheap medicines was only possible because Indian law hitherto had no product patent constraints .
145. The dividend is paid to shareholders in the form of authorized but hitherto unissued shares.
146. Sir Willoughby had hitherto treated her as a dear insignificant friend.
147. She has not hitherto been regarded by Washington insiders as a real firebrand, or heavy hitter.
148. And they could have moved to bring the huge, dirty market in bunker fuel for shipping and aviation, hitherto excluded from discussion of caps, into the negotiations.
149. The Office has established independent administrative systems and planned to recruit its own contract staff to replace by 2002-03 all the civil servants hitherto on loan from the Administration.
150. The helicopter is the first in the world to be designed to serve three hitherto very distinct markets.
151. By 1848 Marx was thus able to open the Communist Manifesto with the contention that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles".
152. For the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target.
153. Towering genius disdains a beaten path. He seeks regions hitherto unexplored.
154. General MacDonald said those troops would be used to push into places hitherto considered no-go areas for Nato troops.
155. This was what Linden had hitherto shrunk from doing, but the situation was desperate.
156. The work fills in a gap which hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.
157. Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It'seeks regions hitherto unexplored. -- Lincoln.
158. A new mode of obtaining power of mind over mind, in a quantity hitherto without example.
159. A dividend paid to shareholders in the form of authorized but hitherto unissued shares.
160. Hitherto, the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression.
161. Hitherto, I associated green hats with Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest!
162. The interest of enlightened men and women everywhere is directed toward the mind as a powerful curative force and as a regenerative influence of hitherto undreamed-of resource.
163. But it may soon extend projects supporting civil justice to criminal justice, hitherto off-limits.
164. The township of Rio Rancho has hitherto not had its own emergency facilities.
165. Our whole hearts revolt against the way women have hitherto been treated.
166. He proposed to himself to achieve what hitherto he had been promised in vain.
167. His death prompted a coup by army officers led by a hitherto unknown captain, Moussa Camara.
168. Hitherto she had felt no dread with regard to the coming interview.
169. And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound.
170. Thomson said the telephone was " the greatest marvel hitherto achieved by the electric telegraph ".
171. The revelation not only shocked Mary, but made her wonder how many of her hitherto respected elders might be whited sepulchers.
172. However, manners have had to adapt to a number of situations hitherto unthought of.
173. Towering genius disdains a beaten path. He seeks regions hitherto unexplored. -- Abraham Lincoln.
174. Ironically, discredited rating agencies might even damage trust in hitherto creditworthy governments.
175. Hitherto, Budweiser has been at the forefront of the Americanisation of the world, often to the dismay of foreign drinkers of traditional beers who regard a Bud as a glass of water spoiled.
176. Long-term bond issues have become scarce and American money-market funds, hitherto buyers of short-term bank bills,[http:///hitherto.html] are running scared.
177. Increased computational power will also make hitherto unrealized approaches feasible.
178. In 1965 Zambia, hitherto called Northern Rhodesia, was enjoying its first year of independence from Britain.
179. Also, hundreds of mineral titles for a diverse range of mineral commodities, hitherto held by the government monopoly Mining Corp, will be put up for public auction during the course of 2006.




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